Chapter 51: Preservation

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Returning back to the house was a strange experience. Perhaps it was because she enjoyed greater freedom in Vethela but (Y/n) felt very constricted there. Of course, she already had been feeling that way about the house but getting a chance to see what it was like outside of it only made it all the more unbearable. Still, when they removed the blindfold from her, she turned to glance at a car in the driveway. Confused, she looked to the others, but they clearly had no clue either.

Yamato made her stay in the car while he investigated. He pressed his ear to the door, likely trying to hear for any noise but Haru had to go and ruin everything by opening the door. The older male tensed up and tried yanking him back, only to realize their intruder wasn't an intruder at all. It was the owner of the house. Haru just hadn't told anyone his father was there, probably because he didn't think it was important. Yamato's heart didn't get the message though, leading him to smack the younger male upside the head.

"Kage," Haru's father smiled, standing up from the couch with Bastien in his arms, "Nice to see you're still looking out for Haru."

"Oh. I-It's not like I mean to hit him all that hard or anything, I just - "

"It wasn't sarcastic. You know you're always helping him like that; giving him some much-needed tough love. Where are the others?"

"They're coming in. We just came back from Vethela, so we'll need to unpack everything."

The man smiled a bit more, welcoming everyone inside. He gave special attention to his precious son, of which Haru thoroughly enjoyed. Though he may have had a relatively passive expression, he did get upset when his father stopped patting him on the head. Maybe Haru was a cat trapped in a person's body. At least, that's what (Y/n) theorized sometimes. It made sense to her.

Haru's father was quite surprised to see a girl in the group, his eyes opening just a bit. His son clearly hadn't told him exactly who would be staying in the house. Confused, he tried to scrutinize the girl for any indication of who she was, but he came up blank. So, he turned to Haru, who, nervously, refused to look at him. Yamato gave the same reaction. It was Rei who stepped forward to explain.

"She's staying with us temporarily. Unfortunately, her parents are out of town and she's too focused on schoolwork to have enough time for herself. We thought it would be kind to give her a room here. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all. I just - You know Haru doesn't usually like meeting new people, so I'm a bit shocked. Did you make a new friend?"

The brunette blushed, not too fond of being talked to like a child. And, though he didn't think it through, he wanted to make a point that the (h/c) haired girl was special. Quickly, he waddled over to her to hug her tightly, making his father choke on air. Bastien gave concerned babbles but the man cooed at the infant that he was alright. Regaining his composure, the man listened closely to what Haru wanted to say.

"This is (Y/n). She's...Well, I don't know what she is, but I want to kiss her a lot."

Again, the man choked on air, and, again, Bastien began freaking out. Reasonably so, the others were bright red. Haru didn't understand their reactions, instead, turning to analyze the younger girl's expression. He gave a small hum when he noticed her cheeks were pink. That was good, right? At least, he remembered that it was supposed to be good. His mother always turned pink whenever his father kissed her. Haru smiled.

"Oh," his father ended up chuckling nervously, "Alright, then. I'm glad you seem to like your new friend."

"No, not a friend," the younger male pouted, "I don't want to kiss Yamato. He doesn't have - "

"Okay," the brunette in question blurted out, "This is weird now. Your dad's probably here to talk to you about something, so go talk, yeah?"

Haru gave a small sound of enlightenment. He just figured his dad was there because he missed him. And while that was true, there was something of great importance to discuss. Whisking the brunette away to Bastien's room, the man mouthed something to everyone else. It looked like he was apologizing for something. Either way, it gave them time to unpack. Rei had brought back tons of Vethelan snacks, claiming (Y/n) needed to eat good food. Likewise, Yamato decided to raid a bakery, happily hiding all of his spoils in his room.

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