Chapter 13: P.E.

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Physical education was only a class that freshmen at Keisetsu had to take. However, almost universally, it was disliked. The ladies disliked becoming unkempt and the gentlemen disliked being sweaty. Still, when their health teacher was being interrogated by the police, there was no other choice but to have them join the ongoing physical education class. That being said, the complaining done by the others was incredible. (Y/n), too, would have been disgusted, if she hadn't been treated to lunch.

However, with the much-needed calories, she had a bit more energy to spend. Gym uniforms were handed out, the girls and boys separating to change before reconvening on the track. Narahashi was filled with excitement. That much the younger girl could tell. He was in his element. Though everyone else complained when the teacher said they would be starting with a two-lap warm-up, he was ecstatic, stretching with eagerness. Shota rolled his eyes.

"I heard you're on the student council and the track team," he commented, "It's fairly obvious which one you're more attached to."

"What do you mean? I do my best for both, but sometimes, I just want to run. Plus, all my closest friends are on track. We like goofing off a lot. It's the best! You should join us sometime. I'm sure you'd fit right in."

"I doubt that. I'll look for a club that will get me somewhere in life. I don't see any practical application for being good at running. Do you?"

"Look, Shota," (Y/n) sighed, stretching her arm to the side, "I'm grateful for everything you did for me, but stop insulting Narahashi. He hasn't done anything to you."

That was technically true. The bluenette hadn't done anything remotely offensive or rude to him. But, still, Shota disliked him a great deal. There were a few reasons for that, including the fact that he was extremely competitive with others, if Rei was an example. But, mainly, and most recently, he hated how close he was to the younger girl and the trust she showed him. It was something she only let him have. So, Shota would keep hating him, and, hopefully, one day, he would find some dirt on the guy, enough to knock him down a rung or two.

"Please," he scoffed under his breath, out of earshot from them, "I'm not doing that much."

"Actually," Takuya mumbled, giving a saddened look, "You are being a bit meaner to him. If we're going to help her feel better, picking on her closest friend isn't the way to go about it."

Again, the male rolled his eyes. The mere thought that picking on the bluenette would, in any way, hurt the younger girl was excruciatingly maddening. One would think they were lovers. But almost everyone in the school knew they were just friends. Even if Narahashi wanted to go to the next step, he wasn't willing to risk losing their long-lasting friendship. That was the difference between them. "'Hashi" had waited too long.

Forced to line up at the track, Shota glared at the bluenette. He was certain that he would be subpar, prompting him to have a spark of competitiveness. The redhead wanted to beat him, nice and good. But the second their teacher told them to begin, that dream dissipated quickly. Narahashi bolted off at an incredible speed, boasting his natural athleticism.

And, as if to rub it in, when Shota tried to keep pace with the (h/c) haired girl, the bluenette glanced back at (Y/n) playfully before he teased her for being slow. Her own spark of competitiveness jump-started her beginning to spring after him, leaving both Shota and Takuya in the dust. She wasn't just using up all her energy at once either. The girl was able to keep that same sprint-like pace with her childhood friend the entire time, making a fool of everyone else as they began lapping them.

"This is humiliating," the red-haired male panted, already feeling exhausted, "He's just good at everything, isn't he? Must be nice to be so talented."

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