Chapter 70: Cookies and Silence

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As it turned out, after Haru went and tattled to Yamato about Rei's and Akari's relationship, the blonde was forced into making cookies for his atonement. To put it bluntly, he got off easy, only because Yamato knew the little bits and pieces of love he sprinkled to Akari kept him going. Still, he wanted cookies, and Rei could bake, so it was better to use the blonde than to let him go to waste.

Rei had his own plan for the cookies, however, and decided to set up a little art project for himself and (Y/n). Humming to himself, he cheerfully placed bowls of different colored icing on the table and transferred the cookies over. He had to slap Haru's hand away multiple times, warning him not to touch. Though, the moment the blonde's back was turned, both he and Yamato snatched one up and devoured it before blinking blamelessly at him.

As the younger girl came downstairs, Rei practically tackled her before yanking her over to the table. Excitedly, he yapped about how he was a genius and how he knew she'd love something to help her express her creativity. She played along, mostly because there was sugar involved. And since she played along, everyone else wanted to as well, Haru even bringing Bastien over to enjoy the activity.

There were no special shapes of the cookies, per se, all of them being circles. However, everyone ended up taking different approaches with them. Bastien just kind of smeared on globs of icing before looking up at his brother for praise. Then there was Akari and Takuya, who didn't really know what they were doing but tried their best regardless. Yamato, on the other hand, only slathered on an excessive amount of sugary icing and shoved the sweet in his mouth without a second thought.

Every now and then, the girl would hear a grumble coming from Shota, who was less than pleased with his decorating skills. No matter how long he spent on one cookie, he always ended up wiping the icing off and starting again. Though he always ended up scratching the cookie after wiping the icing off multiple times, Yamato didn't mind, eating it regardless of if it looked appetizing or not.

"(Y/n), look!" Rei cheered, holding up a bunny cookie that was perfectly frosted, "Isn't it cute?"

The girl looked closer at the delicacy, noting the pastel colors of the white rabbit with blushing cheeks and the cutest nose. All of the details he'd made on the cookie seemed professional in nature, making Shota grumble when he saw it. Though, Takuya, very invested in the adorable sweet, tried to offer the blonde one of his in exchange for it. He was inevitably shot down, forcing the white-haired male to sigh and try to make a cute animal of his own.

"It is cute, isn't it?" the younger girl smiled, making the rest of the males work harder to receive the same recognition.

"Do you want it? I'll gladly trade you for one of yours."

The girl, delighted by the offer, handed him a kitten she made, jolting when he ripped it from her hands and held it like it was a precious treasure. He replaced it with his rabbit, not that he particularly cared about it any more. It was far more heart-racing to inspect hers. Granted, it wasn't as professional as his but it was still quite cute. Coupled with the fact that it was made by her own hands, he was enjoying it wholeheartedly, including teasing the others with it.

Everyone wanted one of her cookies after that but it was Takuya that tried the hardest. He was scribbling furiously with an edible marker, taking little time to quality check it. Maybe he just expected she would give him one of hers out of pity anyway. When he held it up to her, she was forced to look at a pink blob. Truthfully, she was embarrassed to ask what animal it was, confused at the watermelon-like shape along with the stubby legs. If she had to guess what it was, based on the trunk-looking thing it had, it must have been some kind of elephant. She didn't know whether it was cute or ugly. It was, in actuality, both. It also was evil.

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