Chapter 17: Dress To Impress

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Yamato felt like driving the car off a nice cliff, mainly because of his guests. Rei had gone and bragged that he was invited over to the (h/c) haired girl's house, so everyone else insisted on going along. They also insisted that they take the brunette's car, almost as if they had conveniently forgotten they all had private drivers. Really, they just wanted a chance to annoy him and force him into the weird role of the group mother again. The worst part was that it was working.

Firstly, Rei had practically shoved everyone else to the ground to get shotgun, Haru choosing to sit directly behind him just to kick at his chair out of spite. Shota was forced to sit in the middle, in an attempt to stop the dogfight, only making it so that Rei could easily reach behind to pinch him. Takuya was the only sane one, just trying to keep to himself at his window seat. And Akari...There were no seats left, so the blonde had tried to crawl in the trunk. That would have been fine with Yamato but Rei had dragged him to the front and made him sit at his feet like a dog. It was...weird.

Yamato tried to keep it in. He really did. Never before had he possessed such incredible self-control than sitting in a car with five incompatible idiots. At times, he contemplated getting an SUV that would seat seven people, but then he really would be their mother. Groaning, he tried to keep a level head, taking in deep breaths. It never occurred to him that shouting at them might have shut them all up. Yet, magically, when he parked, they all immediately shut themselves up. Everyone gawked at the house, but none more than Shota and Takuya.

"This isn't the right address," the redhead peeped up, "Are you sure you drove to the right place?"

"I copied it from the text, dumbass," Rei scoffed, holding up his phone and taunting him with the fact that he did not yet have her number, "You didn't expect a hobble, did you?"

Yes. Yes, he did expect that, because that was what he had seen last time and in the same location. But now, they were standing in front of a house that was completely different. It was still small and in the same horrible neighborhood but it looked much cleaner. There wasn't a sign of structural failures or any mold growing from it. It was just a regular house, albeit a small, one-story one. Hesitantly, Takuya and Shota followed the others. Yamato knocked, noting no doorbell.

Haru shoved past everyone to be the first one to see the (h/c) haired girl, but to his - and everyone else's disappointment - Narahashi had come answering the door. He was completely dressed up, too, wearing a dark blue suit that went nicely with his hair color. Moreover, he had taken the time to brush up his appearance, having visibly combed his hair. All that was missing was his tie and maybe some cologne. Unlike everyone else, Haru could not hide his facial expression. He rolled his eyes, thoroughly confusing the male.

"Uh, hello, guys," he smiled, "You're a little early, but - "

Before he could welcome them in, Rei shoved past him into the house, Akari right on his toes. The younger blonde made fierce eye contact with Narahashi, a chill being sent down the taller male's spine. The others followed, Haru merely copying the look Akari made because he was curious about it and Shota keeping his grace but narrowing his eyes at the male. Even Takuya glared at him. Yamato was the only one who didn't, the male extending his hand awkwardly for a handshake.

"Good to see you," Narahashi grinned, enthusiastically accepting the gesture, "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"Oh. Just water is good."

"No problem. You can have a seat wherever you'd like."

The bluenette may have said that but there was really only one place to sit. Yamato sat down on the couch and watched as the male started making a beeline to the cabinet where the glasses were. He acted like it was his house they were in, getting ice and water for the brunette before handing it to him amiably. Yamato frowned but muttered a small word of appreciation for him. It didn't feel great knowing Narahashi had been there so many times he knew where everything was.

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