Takuya's Ending: Fairy Tales Do Come True

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Akari didn't say a word. That was how it was as the two of them wandered through the forest, almost hopelessly. (Y/n) was hesitant about whether or not they were headed in the right direction. She hadn't seen anything in the misty night, pitch-black shadows covering the ground except for the slim rays of light that the moon would occasionally grant. Still, it was always shielded by dark clouds that crossed its path, rendering the forest shadowy and chillingly haunted.

"Almost there," Akari whispered quietly, pausing so he could keep pace with the (h/c) haired girl.

The girl pushed forward, excited by the prospect of returning to a familiar face. With everything that happened, she would finally be able to get a night of relaxing sleep. She felt grateful to Akari for assisting her so much, especially since he had so much to lose if he were caught. Then again, he was a professional at things like that, so she had no doubt in him pulling it off flawlessly.

Not too long after she thought that, they encountered a a car sitting on the soily side road, the two bluenettes inside waving happily at the girl. As the girl started running to meet the two faster, the blonde followed after, concerned for her wellbeing. Still, nothing happened, Tadashi rushing forward to lock the girl in the tightest of hugs while Yoru ruffled her hair affectionately.

"Nice to see ya!" Tadashi chuckled, "C'mon, time to go! Mom made a welcome back cake that I've been dying to eat all day!"

As his younger brother doted on their "princess", Yoru walked over to the blonde and extended his hand. Just because his youngest brother harbored caution towards the boy didn't mean he had to continue that. In fact, he was rather grateful for everything that he'd done for (Y/n). Akari stared at the hand with great confusion, hesitantly reaching out to take it and shake it. The older bluenette gave a hearty chuckle at the boy's confusion and ruffled his hair, too, as a sign of amiable feelings towards him.

"Thanks for getting her back safely. It's much appreciated."

"It's my job," Akari responded bluntly, "Your job is to take her the rest of the way."

The way the blonde said that sounded slightly like a threat but he didn't show any sign of hostility towards the bluenette. In fact, he seemed to be calm with the situation, knowing that (Y/n) would smile again soon. Yoru gave a little wave to the blonde as he sat down in the driver's seat, turning on the car's headlights and preparing to drive away. He did, however, give the girl a second to say goodbye to the boy.

"Thank you so much," the girl wholeheartedly smiled, "Stay safe, alright?"

"You're too nice to me," Akari blushed, looking away, "B-But I will. I promise."

The (h/c) haired girl skipped away, entering the car and waving goodbye as the car drove away, leaving the blonde alone to walk back through the misty and shadowy forest. In the car, (Y/n) leaned back on the seat and let out a large sigh, listening to the two brothers in the front seats bicker about something or other. They always seemed to do that, but, despite their arguments, they were the best of friends.

The car ride was wonderful, the two males singing loudly to their favorite songs while Tadashi made up new dance moves. The thought of having such fun on a daily basis was incredibly thrilling, and (Y/n) couldn't stop herself from smiling so much. Tadashi then went on about how much Narahashi had been talking about her and how worried he'd seemed when she disappeared, making the girl turn a bit pink.

The forest passed so peacefully aside from the occasional sound of deer. All the same, the headlights made way for the car to meander along the road with caution. It was very bumpy due to the numerous rocks and sticks that occupied the path but the car could still progress. That being said, it did make the ride slightly uncomfortable. Either way, the thought of freedom made the ride bearable for the girl. Tadashi couldn't stop his whining though, complaining frequently.

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