Haru's Ending: To Be A Family

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As Akari and (Y/n) continued running through the forest, the blonde kept his ears open for just about anything that would threaten them. He came off as very jumpy to her, but she knew he was only looking out for her safety. Thankfully, before long, a car came into view, the younger girl picking up her pace with Akari not far behind. When Yoru and Tadashi came out to greet them, she heard the blonde give a sigh of relief.

Of course, he had done just about everything he could to make sure that she succeeded in escaping. That meant sneaking into Haru's room in order to figure out how to shut off the cameras, if only temporarily. Akari had to scour around the room just to find his passcode, only to find it behind his phone case. It was a lot more of an obvious place than the blonde expected. Still, it let him gain access to the cameras, allowing him to schedule a shutdown. No one would see her leave and no one would see him go back.

Akari waited hesitantly for the (h/c) haired girl to greet Narahashi's brothers. They exchanged hugs and murmurs of joy, leaving the blonde to dart his eyes nervously to the side. She was probably going to go back to Narahashi now, huh? The thought made him irritated. After all, he hated the bluenette. But this wasn't about Akari. It never was. This was about (Y/n) being free, and that was something he wanted very much, so he did nothing but wait until she came over to hug him with relief.

"Thank you," she smiled, "For everything, I mean."

The blonde didn't know what to say. He just nervously nodded and sprinted back, not even giving her a chance to stop him. As she reached out to call him back, Tadashi gave a teasing remark, prompting her to flinch and retreat to the car. She watched trees rush by her as they departed, the girl finally letting out a sigh of contentment. It seemed to dawn on her that she was leaving, a little flutter of excitement welling up inside of her.

The car ride consisted of much silence, but, occasionally, the males would ask if she was alright or if she wanted something to eat. She responded briefly but with a smile, letting them know she was more than happy to be able to be free to see them again. Thus, it gave Yoru and Tadashi the ability to ramble on and on with their usual light-hearted attitude. She just ignored most of it to think to herself.

She allowed her mind to wander to all of the things she could do now that she was free. Of course, she wouldn't be able to stay at Keisetsu Private High School due to the other males' presence there, but it wouldn't be that difficult to receive a transfer to another school. She would only have to do another entrance test. While it would be a pain, her intellect was likely to get her into any school she wanted. Akari promised to help, too. She smiled.

As the car continued to ride along the bumpy road, (Y/n) suddenly noticed the disappearance of the trees. This made her overjoyed; to be out of the forest and one step closer to her family and friends. It filled her with excitement. While Yoru focused on driving, Tadashi turned around from the passenger's seat and gave a wide smile to the girl as a way of congratulating her.

"Almost home," the immature male grinned, holding back a snicker, "'Hashi's been so worried, so do me a favor and give him a big hug when you see him? Don't think he'd mind a kiss either."

"Stop bothering the princess," Yoru chuckled, "She just escaped her tower, okay?"

"You're no fun. But, hey, let's stop for ice cream or something? I really want something yummy!"

"It's the middle of the night. What ice cream shop would be - "

"Can't we go to a convenience store? Get something cheap? Please? Please? Puh-lease?"

Yoru raised an eyebrow, looking in the rearview mirror for (Y/n)'s opinion on the matter. She gave a small smile, recalling that Narahashi had said he wanted to enjoy the treat when she returned. The eldest of the group gave a little nod to the other male, making him sing along loudly to the radio in celebration. It wasn't long before they arrived at the closest convenience store. Tadashi was overjoyed by all of the selections of sugary treats.

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