Chapter 29: His Mother

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Everyone really did end up sleeping together in Rei's room, servants having brought them makeshift beds. Sleeping bags weren't really a thing for them though Yamato seemed to know what they were. Regardless, as dawn came and light started shining through the window, brushing across the (h/c) haired girl's face, she stirred.

In fact, she had been planning to ignore the light, but, in the process of pulling the blanket over her face, a shadow suddenly appeared over her. It took her a bit to realize it wasn't the blanket that blocked the light, so she flickered open her eyes. One glance at the blurry shape told her it was something moving, so she quickly fell off the bed with a loud curse, waking everyone else up. Rei gave a long sigh before he peered over the bed to see her on the floor.

"What was - ," she was about to ask, only to see Akari standing there, "You scared the life out of me!"

The blonde gave an ashamed and bashful look, rubbing the back of his head apologetically. Rei thought nothing of it, placing his hand on the younger male's head and petting him so aggressively his hair became a mess. Apparently, this was nothing new. Akari acted as Rei's alarm clock, usually up even before the sun was. Of course, she didn't appreciate being scared half to death, taking a bit of time to recover.

"(Y/n)," Takuya called with concern, "Did you hurt yourself? Do you need a bandage?"

"No. I'm fine. My heart is racing is all. Just give me a moment and I'll - "

The younger girl trailed off as Yamato shushed her. He gave a grumble before turning over and pulling the blanket over his head. Shota also appeared irritated, the both of them actively trying to drone out anyone else and fall back into sleep. Still, the younger girl felt a bit curious, poking Yamato's cheek repeatedly to see what would happen. The first few times, he swatted her away and growled, but, when it got to a point he was really fed up with the interruption, he grabbed her and laid her down beside him.

"You're a pain. Go to sleep," he commanded, using her as his own personal teddy bear, "It's too early."

"No," Haru yawned, rubbing his eyes, "It's a little late. I want breakfast. Pancakes. With blueberries. And butter. And whipped cream."

"I also want pancakes," Yamato seconded.

"Well, I want a shower," Rei scoffed, Akari running off to go start it for him, "(Y/n), would you like one, too?"

"Mhm. But I need some clean clothes, too."

"Not a problem. Then, I'll go first, but you can use my shower when I'm done," A pause as Rei debated whether or not to add something, only to go along with it anyway, "Though, if you'd like to join me - "

"Rei!" Takuya scolded, raising his voice uncharacteristically, "That's not alright!"

"I was only teasing. Somewhat."

"You should apologize."

The blonde dismissed the younger male, walking into his bathroom to start the day off clean. He only popped out for a bit to make Akari enter, too, though the younger girl didn't see any good reason why. Of course, it was obvious Rei treated his playmate like a servant, probably having him stand there just to carry his towel, but she still didn't get why the younger male put up with it. He was obviously very wealthy in his own right. She sighed, trying to dismiss it, knowing it would only keep happening, telling herself it was a cultural thing. Well, she wasn't really wrong.

Soon enough, Rei came out with Akari behind him, the two of them starting on the batter for the pancakes. At the same time, the (h/c) haired girl took her own shower, being given clean clothes to change into. They weren't simple or anything, but they weren't uncomfortable and looked relatively good on her, so she couldn't complain. Or, more accurately, she wouldn't complain. And, when she came out, Rei smothered her with compliments, only stopping when Takuya's phone started blaring obnoxiously.

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