Q&A Part 1 (Updated)

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1. Will you ever do a lemon?

Yes. I've already done so for a lot of the characters (Takuya, Rei, Yamato, Akari, Sora, Ichiro, Kazuki, Orion, and Kota). I write them as something comes to mind, so I don't guarantee each character will get one. The same is true of characters who don't really have as great of an interest in intimacy (compared to the others, anyway). 

2. What are all the boys' heights?

In order from the tallest to the shortest, the boy's heights are the following: Yamato, Rei, Narahashi, Shota, Haru, Takuya, and Akari. As for their specific heights, I can't really say. As for (Y/n), I'd say she's around Akari's height.

3. Are the boys superhuman because how can they survive a bullet?

Yanderes are very hard to kill. Due to their determination and obsession with (Y/n), a lot of the boys will refuse to die, using sheer adrenaline to get them through it. Of course, with Yamato, he's had a lot of experience fighting and he's had to shrug off a few bullets. Over time, it just became commonplace for him. The main 6 boys are human through and through.

6. Personal favorite things other than (Y/n)?

From their profiles:

Takuya likes solitude, lollipops, school work, and stuffed animals. His mother often keeps him on a tight leash, so he doesn't have any regular hobbies he likes, but he has always wanted to take up painting. He likes the idea of creating something filled with color and meaning. His favorite color is a tie for black and white.

Yamato likes sweets, being in charge, and dogs. As for his hobby, he likes training his dogs and taking showers or baths. He doesn't have much free time due to his responsibilities in the yakuza but he does enjoy leading others. His favorite color is gold.

Haru likes video games, junk food, and silence. Quite obviously, Haru's favorite activity is gaming and eating snacks but his favorite thing to do is playing with his baby brother. Sometimes he gets frustrated when he tries to teach Bastien how to play video games since his fingers are too small to reach the buttons. His favorite color is jade.

Rei likes sports, attention, cooking, and motorcycles. Of his favorite things to do, Rei is particularly fond of cooking, playing music, or just riding on one of his bikes for no apparent reason, especially if any of the aforementioned things are with his elder brother. Sadly, this is a rare occurrence. His favorite color is pink. 

Shota likes philosophy, ballet, and praise. As for what he likes to do in his spare time, the redhead is quite addicted to writing, drawing, and reading. His favorite genres are historical fiction and fantasy. Music is another thing he enjoys unless it's Rei that is singing. His favorite color is teal but he prefers the teal to have a bigger tint of blue than green.

Akari likes beauty, photography, nature, and stargazing. He is pretty active, never liking to stay in the same place for very long without moving. Due to this, aside from photography, he's developed a passion for gardening, hiking in the mountains, and gymnastics. Frankly, as long as it's outside, he'll happily do anything. His favorite color is silvery pink.

If anyone asked him, Narahashi would say he likes track, practicing medicine, and judo. In his spare time, he enjoys talking, making friends, and goofing off. He's a very outgoing person, so he highly prefers being around anybody and everybody. His favorite color is blue.

8. Can we have some fun facts about the guys?

Takuya's cannot swim, and he suffers from both insomnia and extreme social anxiety due to events in his past. He can speak Echali but he hasn't practiced it since he was a kid, so he's very rusty. His favorite food is macaroni and cheese. 

Yamato absolutely loathes anything unclean or dirty. He always strives to make himself more than presentable, and, because of his parental instincts, he'll often fix (Y/n)'s hair or straighten Akari or Haru up so they look better. He is also extremely ticklish but will curse out and possibly beat up whoever tickles him. Yamato hates fish, especially salmon, but his favorite food is crab and shrimp tempura.

Haru's family is the richest and he is the most spoiled of all of the boys. Like Rei, Haru was born in another country from the other side of the world - the same country where Takuya's "best friend" lives. This country is called Echal and is the wealthiest country in the world. His favorite foods are cheese puffs or pizza.

Rei, himself, believes he is straight. He just thinks that Akari was an exception because he was so pretty. The name of the country Rei is from is called Vethela. He is the queen's third grandson, and though she never wanted him to have the throne, he is the most favored to receive it (when his cousin dies). His favorite food is often whatever he can make but he prefers his country's cuisine above all others. 

Shota is afraid of heights. He also greatly prefers to sit on the arms of a couch or tables instead of sitting on a chair but he never sits that way when near someone with influence or importance. The redhead is also allergic to tree nuts. His family is on the verge of ruin because of his parents' greed and spending habits but his grandfather is working with him to bring the noble family back to power. The Yasojiro family can be compared only with the Miyahara family since they are both the longest lasting noble families in Athain and close friends with the ruling family. 

Akari has the largest tolerance of pain of any of the boys, Yamato at a close second. He is pansexual. He is an only child, so he's always been very, very lonely, especially since, due to his mother marrying without the permission of her family, he was cast out of the Otsu clan. His favorite food is grilled cheese and tomato basil soup and his favorite drink is hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate chips, but only if made by (Y/n)'s hand.

Narahashi does not actually have blue hair, but his older brothers (Yoru, Tadashi, and - kinda -Eito) do. He dyed his hair dark blue to look like them. What did his hair color used to be? White.

9. I have a question for the q/a about the sequels. So do the other boys ever make an appearance in them?

What an interesting question you have there. My answer to that would be, for the most part, no. Every now and then there'll be mentions of the boys, and Akari or one of the others might make an appearance, but they will not have much to do with the plot nor would I consider them main characters.

10. What are some fun facts about you, author-chan?

I can speak three languages (English, Japanese, and Spanish), I have dual citizenship, and my dream job is to work with older ESL students. 

My favorite voice actor of all time is Yuki Kaji (voice of Kanato Sakamaki from Diabolik Lovers, Lyon Bastia from Fairy Tail, Shoto Todoroki from MHA, Finnian from Black Butler, Yukine from Noragami, etc.). This man is perfect in all that he does, and I will forever hop on a show if he's in it. I just can't comprehend how much talent he has. Plus, it's really hilarious whenever the other voice actors make fun of him and he just sits there and takes it. 

My all-time anime crush is hands-down is Sting Eucliffe from Fairy Tail. He may be a minor character but I adore his looks, his voice, and, most of all, his silly but badass personality.

. . .

This is the first of the Q&A, but if you have more questions that I may not have covered, feel free to comment here or ask me directly. If I will no longer be taking questions, then there will be a star at the end of this sentence instead of a period.

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