Chapter 28: Believe In Ghosts?

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Rei found himself walking along a gravelled path through a garden of sorts, seeing an unfamiliar boy sat down. His legs were crossed and his eyes were a piercing teal color that scanned over the book he was reading, his red hair falling slightly in front of his face. Despite not knowing who the male was, he felt a sense of courage as he made his way over to the boy. After all, who had a higher status than a Vethelan prince? Virtually nobody. Epecially not some Athainian kid.

"Well, hi, there," the blonde chuckled, holding his hands behind his back and leaning forward teasingly, "My name is - "

"I know your name," the boy huffed callously, viciously, and yet, oddly, almost without emotion in his words, "Rei Hoshino. Or is it Rei Hirasi today?"

The small blonde stood shocked. Not many people took up that tone with him. Most liked to put on pretty smiles and bat their eyes for him to like him. Akari was the best at it. That was why he was his playmate. Still, Rei sifted through who the boy could be to talk to him like that. His first guess was that it must have been an Akahito, but the Akahito heir had brown hair, not red. So, who was this kid, pretending like he could talk down to him?

"You must know me very well," Rei smiled, rocking back and forth on his heels.

For the first time, the unfamiliar boy's eyes snapped up to the blonde and sneered, observing the older male with his distant teal pupils. He lost interest quickly, returning to his book without a second thought as though it were more important than the prospective crown prince of one of the most powerful nations in the world.

"You're infamous," the red-head growled, "Your name gets mentioned more than mine in my own house. How could I not know?"

"Have I upset you?" Rei asked, looking into the surface of the fountain, seeing his reflection stare back angrily at him.

There was a slam from the book that the boy was reading as it closed harshly by command of the antagonistic youth. He let out a belittling scoff before walking away from the blonde, leaving him on his own in an unfamiliar garden. Even when his mother had him properly introduced later on, he still recieved a cold reaction.

It wasn't outright unfriendly, but the boy put on a mask to hide his true intentions. Being used to wearing his own, Rei saw right through it as an attempt to look amiable for his parents who wished him to get along. Afterward, he was even more ruthless than before and snapped at the male more than once.

"I don't understand," Rei glowered, "Why do you hate me?"

"Because you're perfect!" Shota shouted, throwing the book on the ground.

As it hit, the cover ripped right down the middle, sending papers of the book fluttering up and cascading to the ground. All the while, the redhead refused to look away from him, only making himself more and more angry. When all the pages of the book landed on the ground, he looked at them softly, his expression changing as if that book were the most precious thing he owned.

It crossed his mind to pick it up, but he refused to crawl on his hands and knees to do such a thing. The humiliation kept him from doing so. He stomped away instead before Rei grabbed his wrist, pulling him back to face himself. He had enough of the appalling treatment toward him.

"You don't get to end it with just that, you disrespectful brat!" Rei demanded, putting his foot down, "How do you have the audacity to treat me like dirt?!"

"You're perfect!" Shota growled, almost mockingly, "You're perfect. That's it! How can't you be satisfied with that?! I would love for my mother to say that to me! But all that comes out of her mouth is you, you, you!"

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