Chapter 31: Journals '1' And '39'

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Night washed over the estate fairly quickly. Yamato came out just to find (Y/n), telling her it would be safer inside. In fact, the brunette lingered around longer than was probably appropriate, following her though the halls and making sure she made it to her room. Every day that went by without the serial killer getting caught, his behavior became more protective. She couldn't help but chuckle, thanking him for looking out for her safety. His cheeks brightened up a bit but he did his best to hide his bashful expression.

Unlike the previous night, no one decided to have a sleepover. For one, it was a school night, and, for two, Shota and Yamato complained about getting no sleep. As a result, everyone was given a room to stay in, Akari and Rei obviously sleeping in their own rooms. The younger girl was delighted at how soft the bed she got to sleep in was. Really, it was like a cloud. Combined with the fact that the pillows were plush and her duvet was thick, it made for an incredible combination.

And, yet, still, she couldn't sleep. She kept tossing and turning, not because the bed was uncomfortable but because of what Narahashi had been pestering her about earlier. He was adamant about Akari's guilt. It wasn't as if the bluenette was an idiot either. So, obviously, she couldn't just dismiss his hunch as pure nonsense. Overwhelmed by the accusation, she ended up finding herself going a room over, knocking on the blonde's room. She did it twice, to which there wasn't a reply.

That in itself wasn't surprising. It was in the middle of the night, after all, and most reasonable people would be sleeping. To verify that he was, in fact, unavailable, she ended up cracking the door open a sliver. The room was empty. There was no sight of the male anywhere, whether it was in the bed, on the couch, or even - as she wandered in further - in the bathroom. He wasn't there, the open window an indication as to where he could have gone. She shivered at the wind that flowed inside the room, brushing up the curtains and making them dance like ghosts.

She probably should have stopped there to return to her room, but, obviously, she didn't. On the contrary, it was her best chance to look around and put any worries to rest. It wasn't the easiest thing digging around the male's room. Akari didn't really have much of anything to begin with. His room was bare - with the sole exception of some plants hanging up on the wall. She also found some pictures of him and Rei. That wasn't too surprising. They were attached at the hip.

When it came to school stuff, she also couldn't find anything except his uniform and a few papers he'd ripped up and thrown away in the trash with "0" marks on them. He hadn't even written his name on them correctly. She wondered how he was staying in Keisetsu, especially when he wasn't even in class most of the time. (Y/n) had seen the disciplinary reports on him, too. It wasn't that he'd done anything all that bad, but teachers were at their wits' end with him.

She guessed it didn't really matter. At least, it wouldn't have for Akari. He had his entire life set up for him. The male didn't even need a career. His trust fund alone was enough for him to live off for the rest of his life, let alone the allowance he was receiving as a Vethelan royal's playmate. Though, considering what Rei had him do, she wasn't sure if the allowance was a huge or tiny payment in kind.

(Y/n) moved to the bathroom, finding nothing, really - just some boring hygiene products and a singular towel. He also had some cologne in a box but she knew he didn't use it. In fact, as she observed it closer, it had clearly never been taken out of its box. And, with the little bow on top, she figured it must have been a gift, probably from Rei. Whether or not it was appreciated, she didn't know, but it was well-taken care of.

It was in the closet where the (h/c) haired girl ended up finding things. Actually, the moment she parted the doors open, a bunch of junk spilled out onto the floor. Akari must have just been throwing stuff in the closet, not bothering to properly clean up. Most of the objects were random in nature: some jewelry, some toys, some packaging, etc. She tried sifting through it, wondering if there was anything interesting, but there really wasn't. Most of it was trash.

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