Chapter 44: Skin Deep

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Yamato would have asked for a sooner time to meet but he figured it gave (Y/n) and Narahashi more time to make the place impossible to escape from. He didn't know how she managed to sneak in a laser nor did he know how she found her way out of the forest. All the same, it was best to fortify everything much better. If she could get out, that probably meant the serial killer could get in. He made sure Haru upped the security, letting him install motion sensors and all kinds of cameras.

"Isn't this a little much?" Yusei mumbled, watching his young master and best friend flit around the house in an attempt to test the locks, "I know you don't have a lot of experience with girls or anything, but...this is weird. Like...really weird, Kage."

"I'm not having her get out again."

"Um, I don't think it's normal to lock your girlfriend up with a bunch of other guys. Just saying."

"Tch," Rei scoffed, eyeing the ravenette up and down, "He doesn't have a girlfriend. Pretty sure it's just a crush. I mean, he might be tough and scary but he doesn't even have the balls to confess."

"Does that mean you confessed?"

The blonde gave a thoughtful expression before he sulked. No, technically he didn't state his intentions towards her in the traditional manner. He just insisted she would be coming with him to his homeland. Though, considering how she hadn't responded to it, she probably hadn't taken it very seriously. Angry that he'd been called out for it, Rei glared at the younger male, making him quickly run to stand beside Yamato for protection.

"Why is he here?" Rei growled, "I don't want another guy around my cupcake."

"Would it help if I said I was gay?"

"Are you?"

"Well," the younger male paused, "would it help?"

"I want him out. Now. We already have a smartass. We don't need another one. He's just going to get in the way."

Yamato ignored Rei. He didn't really feel like explaining himself to him. It would have set the blonde off except for the fact that Shota reminded him they would be seeing (Y/n) in a few hours. He then subtly suggested he should go look for something nice to wear to impress her. Akari helped with that, tugging Rei upstairs and cheering him on. Really, it was a relief that Rei could be calmed down by the younger male. Otherwise, he would have been tearing up the house just because he could.

The rest of them worked hard on making sure they locked up the house tight, too. They didn't want the younger girl to have any chance to escape. No small cracks were overlooked and no area in the house had a blindspot now. Though Yamato was still displeased, paranoid they were forgetting about something, it came time to leave and meet the younger girl. Whether or not she would really show up was anyone's guess, but she had a strong motive to do so.

Shota, sitting next to Motoko, gave a curious look. He wasn't entirely sure that (Y/n) was going to just cede her freedom. If she managed to put together a plan to escape, she surely had others. No doubt she was currently scheming in an attempt to figure out how to get away with everything she wanted and lose nothing. That plan probably included Narahashi somehow. The red-haired male tapped his cheek as he thought, a smirk forming on his lips as he came up with a solution.

Along with Yamato's men that surrounded the place, the brunette and the others had been set up at the park for a while, staring at their phones for 8pm to come. As if on cue, three minutes before the time expired, the younger girl appeared, Narahashi right behind her. The brunette stood up and hooked his arm around Motoko, gun in hand. The ravenette was trembling in fear, eyes watering up as she looked to the (h/c) haired girl for help. She was experiencing the possibility of death for the very first time.

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