Chapter 8: Care

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Yamato's phone was still blowing up as his friends kept scolding him, the males asking if he had apologized yet. If he had known she would have started crying, he would have gone about it in a different way. But, around the tour of the garden, he couldn't help but remain quiet. He figured saying anything else might make her feel worse, prompting a bit of stress to rise up inside. To combat it, he ended up leading her to an open area with an elaborate gate.

"Just stay here," he mumbled, closing the gate behind him, "They'll bite your hand off."

The male whistled loudly, sending four dogs to come rushing at him intensely. The largest dog got to the brunette first, smothering him with all kinds of affection and wagging his tail dramatically. The others also filed in next to him, barking and yapping about how happy they were to see him. The german shepherds were all very well groomed, clearly their owner's pride and joy.

Yamato laughed when he pet them, his stress fading away lightly. He also provided them with the affection they were begging for, petting them playfully and with so much energy their collars began to jingle. Amidst his joy, he didn't notice one of the dogs sneaking away until he began sniffing at the girl's hand. Suddenly, the brunette shouted very loudly.

"Hey, get back! He'll rip it off!"

(Y/n) listened but it didn't do much. The dog wiggled for a moment before using all of its might to jump the fence. Yamato was quick to get up and go to save her, but, to his shock, she began to giggle. When he saw Masaru licking her all over, he didn't know what to feel. His dogs were specifically meant to attack. There was a reason they were kept in the outside pen. Even to the people they knew, they could very often get carried away and harm them.

"Okay, okay!" she giggled, "Can you get him off now?! I'm going to get dirty!"

Obliging her, the male grabbed gently at his dog's collar, tugging him away from her. The dog was still jumping up on his hindlegs in excitement, barking, too. It must have triggered the other dogs, the rest of them jumping over the gate. They jumped up on her, their combined weight knocking her down into the grass. She tensed up, quick to glance over at the brunette for help before she started crying again.

"W-What's wrong now?! You were just laughing!"

"My uniform...I - "

"I'll pay! I'll pay for it! A-And you can take a shower here! And I'll give you some clothes?! So don't cry!"

That seemed to placate her enough to prevent any more waterworks. Still, the dogs continued licking her, showering her with affection. The largest of them, who had been the one to first escape, rolled onto his belly, begging for more attention from its master. In response, the boy grinned and gave it to him, being especially gentle since the girl was there. He didn't want the dog to feel scared and lash out at the girl. He knew she was physically strong, but it looked like she was emotionally fragile.

"Um," she muttered, pointing to the dog he was petting, "What's his name?"

"Masaru. That one's Genkei. The other one is Daisuke. And the one that is giving you the death glare is Raiden. He's a little full of himself."

"You must like dogs. I...I do, too. There's...this stray dog that wanders around my neighborhood. Her name is...Kiana."

"What kind?"

"A husky. Well, she acts like a mutt, but she's just a husky, I think. Though, I guess there's no real way for me to know. She's...kind of like me, actually."

"Oh," the male mumbled, a lengthy pause following before said, " bring her to me sometime...I could probably help you figure it out. The dog, I mean. N-Not you. Whatever. Let's just get you cleaned up. Here."

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