Chapter 53: Elusive

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So continued Haru's strange behavior. He peeped in (Y/n)'s bedroom to interrupt her and Yamato just to scold her and tell her to go to sleep. The male was adamant about her getting at least eight hours of sleep, as if she could control how well-rested she was. Still, thanks to him, she did end up getting privacy earlier than usual. Of course, she should have known there would be a cost to that.

Haru may have let her sleep earlier but he forced her to get up earlier to make up for it. He practically burst into her room the next morning only to drag her downstairs and force her outside. Again, he sat on the porch, and again, he only looked at his watch. If Takuya had not been there, it would have been a perfect time to run, but he wanted to continue where they left off.

Eagerly, he patted the grass next to him, giving an affectionate smile as she went along with it. They continued their game of pointing out shapes in the clouds, the white-haired male, every now and then, scooting a bit closer to her. He seemed to enjoy how romantic it was, suggesting quietly that they should do that every day. Since it was her only time outside, she couldn't help but agree, putting an even bigger smile on his face.

As with what happened the previous day, Haru yanked her back inside without another word and demanded she take a shower. This time, she decided to merely turn the water on. Akari was right. She was going to dry out her skin if she continued following the brunette's demands, so she took full advantage of the fact he couldn't enter the bathroom to fool him. The girl even ended up turning on the hair dryer for ten minutes just to trick him further. He thought nothing of it that she appeared perfectly dry. Haru wasn't necessarily the brightest.

Again, Haru just completely abandoned her as soon as he saw his work was done, off to go take care of Bastien. He would definitely be back later to force feed her something else healthy but disgusting, so she decided to take some time to go looking for Akari. Ever since they'd come back from Vethela, he hadn't shown his face. Holed up in his room, he refused to take a single step out of it.

She wondered if he snuck down in the middle of the night to go foraging for some food. Otherwise, he must have been starving himself. Though she would have liked to believe that he wouldn't do something like that when she forbade him from hurting himself, she wasn't in the business of taking bets on someone as unpredictable as Akari. For all she knew, he could have run away from the house on Rei's demand. It was possible.

After knocking on his door and hearing absolutely no response, she directed her gaze down to the little keypad all the rooms had. To the best of her knowledge, all of them had six digit codes. She thought for a while, contemplating what Akari would set his as. There were a number of things she could come up with, but, for some reason, she had a hunch it was a birthday. Now she just had to guess if it was her birthday or Rei's.

The Vethelan prince had told her on their first day knowing each other what his birthday was, and, considering his age, she could deduce the year, too. Inputting that into the keycode, she was unsure whether to be flattered or not that it wasn't the correct code. With a sigh, she decided to try the day she celebrated her birthday instead, pressing her lips together in a fine line when the screen flashed green and unlocked the room. She hung her head before pushing the door open. At least he was dedicated to his stalking.

(Y/n) closed the door behind her quickly, hoping no one would notice she'd entered Akari's room. With a sigh, she started wandering around the room, looking for any sight of the blonde. She even looked up at the ceiling. It was worth a shot. From the insane climbing skills he had, she wouldn't be surprised if he was part spider. But, alas, Akari was not on the wall nor in his bed nor in the closet. In fact, he wasn't anywhere in the room.

(Y/n) decided to spend her time snooping around for those journals of his. She doubted he would have left all of them at Rei's house, especially since they seemed very precious to him. And, as expected, she ended up finding a few under his bed. One of the ones she ended up stumbling upon didn't have a label, just her name. She figured she'd end up finding some more journal entries, but, on the contrary, inside was just personal facts about her.

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