Shota's Ending: To Rewrite A Romance

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Akari had been keeping watch for them as they ran towards their meeting point, on the lookout for anything weird. Though, of course, nothing happened, and the (h/c) haired girl was able to safely reconvene with Narahashi's brothers. She expected them to hop out of the car to meet her before giving her tons of affection like they always did. Unlike the other boys of the Shiko household, Yoru and Tadashi were very physically affectionate like their mother. So, it was a bit strange that they hadn't started doting on her yet.

Confused, both her and Akari inspected the vehicle, noting nothing wrong with it. It was just that the two males were sleeping in the car, blissfully unaware of anything happening. Tadashi was slumped up against his older brother's shoulder while Yoru made the window his pillow. It couldn't have been comfortable. Then again, it was the middle of the night on a day where, no doubt, they both had work. She felt a little guilty having to knock on the window to alert them.

Yoru was the first one to wake, jolting as he noticed her. However, soon, a soft smile spread on his face as he unlocked the car for her to enter. Tadashi, on the other hand, slept quietly, just barely rolling his head to the side to be more comfortable. Though, of course, his brother wasn't having it, shoving his face away from him and forcing him to wake up. The male then snickered at the ugly face his brother was making, both of them teasing one another about how bad they looked while (Y/n) said her goodbyes to Akari.

"Well, this is my stop. I hope you'll be safe on your way back, too."

"No," the blonde shook his head, giving her a gentle smile, "Don't worry about me. Stay safe, okay?"

She nodded. That was the plan. Hopefully, she would be done with all of the dangerousness of staying with the males. Though, one could never say for sure. She watched as the blonde bolted off, giving him one final wave as she entered the car. Even still, as they started to depart, she glanced in his direction, wondering if he felt the same as her. Nonetheless, it wouldn't have done her any good to ask him at that point. She was supposed to be leaving everything behind, after all.

"I'm sorry to ask you out here in the middle of the night," (Y/n) blushed, feeling embarrassed for inconveniencing the bluenettes.

"No, no. Anything for our princess," Tadashi yawned, rubbing his eyes again, "It's better this way. If we got you in the middle of the day, they might find you, right? It's just that we've been super tired since dinner is all. Yoru barely managed to get in the car. It was so funny."

"Well you passed out in the driveway," the older brother sighed, "I had to drag you in the car and I had to drive the whole way!"

Tadashi lightly punched his brother in the arm, making Yoru groan in annoyance as he turned on the radio to try and distract the younger male. It worked for a while. At least, it worked up until the male started whining again, only to fall asleep and leave Yoru to stay awake and drive. If (Y/n) had been able to drive, the bluenette would have asked her to, but he didn't have much of a choice considering Tadashi was a terrible driver. Truth be told, the younger girl wasn't any better off. It wasn't like someone had taught her how to drive or anything.

Even so, the trees passed by peacefully, the sound of familiar music flowing through the girl's ears and making her feel at peace. Soon, she would be back home with Narahashi and the others, and she couldn't have been happier to leave her little prison. As she thought that, snapping her out of her peace, the car abruptly swerved. In the process, the girl hit her head on the window. As she rubbed it, Yoru let out a faint "sorry" and shook his head, yawning heavily. He was really struggling to stay awake.

Before long, they were out of the forest, making the girl sigh in joy as she played with the hem of her skirt. She then watched the car coast along a hilly region. While the railing to their left prevented any cars from launching themselves down the massive drop, she was able to see the beautiful sight of tiny houses. They looked like speckles from where they were, surrounded by mostly green. It was slightly beautiful in its own way, the small lake next to them resting at the bottom reflecting the lights of the crystal blue waters.

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