Chapter 55: No More Pain

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As Haru brought the knife down on the (h/c) haired girl, he felt resistance as it hit skin, drawing blood. The blade slit her throat, sending her into a panic. That's when the brunette opened his eyes, confused as he heard her scamper out of the bed. She fearfully touched her hand to her neck, trembling as she saw blood on her skin. Haru gave another pained expression. He had intended to make it painless for her and ensure she would never be harmed again, but her expression was twisted with agony and despair. He had hurt her again, hadn't he?

"What are you doing?!" (Y/n) yelled, grasping at her now-bleeding neck.

Haru winced at her harsh tone and wandered over to where the girl was, placing his shaking hands on her neck as he stared at the crimson liquid gushing from her burning skin. Then, he looked into her eyes and placed his hand on her cheek, smearing the blood there, too. Her eyes widened as he did so, the girl watching in fear as he clutched tightly on the knife in his possession.

He had tried to calm her before he ended everything, but she didn't seem to buy it, twisting the knife out of his hands before running away. She was weak from the illness, unable to run quickly, but she used the wall to help her balance, completely focused on putting distance between them. Haru grabbed the knife back up from the floor, massaging his wrist before going after the girl. Even when she was sick, she still packed quite a punch. Why was she still sick then? Why wasn't she using that strength to fend off the illness?

As he thought about it, his despair only grew. He didn't want the girl to die in the slightest, wanting to spend more time with her, but he would far prefer she never suffered again. She didn't seem to have the same understanding, actively avoiding him and the weapon he had despite his concerned looks and pleas. Haru couldn't help but get angry when she was refusing to hear him out. She should have understood he was trying to save her.

Perhaps because visiting hours were over, no one was around. The top floor was completely quiet, reserved for her and her alone. It didn't matter how much she shouted for help. No one could hear. Terrified, she ran for the stairs, only for Haru to cut her off from going downstairs. Turning back, she had no choice but to head up, ignoring another jabbing fear to escape from the delusional brunette.

She knew there wasn't anywhere to go from the roof except to jump off to her death, but there was one other choice. It didn't even matter how she tried to outwit him. She didn't have the time, the brunette taking advantage of her weakened body to push her to the ground. Haru began speaking to himself in Echali with tears as he raised the knife up once more. Maybe he was saying his final words to her.

"Haru!" she yelled out, kicking in an attempt to get him off of her, "It's just a cold!"

"It'll get worse," the brunette sniffled, narrowing his eyes at her.

"What, you think I'm going to die?! Then why kill me sooner?!"

"It's not about dying. You're going to be in pain. You'll get hurt more and more and more and more. Everything will hurt and you won't be able to go outside or see friends or sit up in bed or take care of your baby and then you'll die. You'll die and it'll still hurt. Why go through it? I'll stop it for you right here and now. I'll be sad and lonely, but you'll be alright. Doesn't that tell you how much I like you?"

Haru's grasp tightened on her and he paused in thought, nuzzling her cheek with great affection. He then began to whimper and freed one of his hands from the knife to interlock with one of hers. The male brought it so close to himself that she could feel the vibration of his heartbeat through his chest. A few of his tears slipped onto her hand when he couldn't hold them back any longer, letting her see a glimpse of his pain, too. She gritted her teeth.

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