Chapter 14: Tease

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Rei was pleasantly surprised that (Y/n) showed up. She still seemed very wary of him, confused at his still somewhat kinder behavior. He didn't mind. Whatever reaction she made was bound to be entertaining, and she still acted the same, so it wasn't of any concern to him. As long as it was "sincere", he was willing to accept it. He would also give her the same treatment just so it was fair. And he never cared about "fair".

As she met up with him and Akari, her eyes first focused on Rei. Different from their normal uniform, he was wearing surprisingly humble clothes albeit ones that were layered fashionably. She very much doubted they were just normal clothes. If anything, the clothes he wore probably cost more than her entire house. That wasn't really saying something though. She also happened to notice they were of a Vethelan style, standing apart from things she'd seen in Athain.

The blonde smirked, noticing he was being observed. Really, it was always a pleasant feeling. So, while she decided to check him out, he decided to do the same to her. She looked very plain. Her beauty stood out, but apart from that, if he hadn't known her, he would have just passed her by on the street. At least the uniform at Keisetsu was flattering and stylish. What she was wearing was just a white dress. There were no accessories and she wore her same worn-out shoes.

"I don't want you to say anything," she sighed, making him chuckle, "It's not funny."

Though she didn't tell him and rather wanted to hide the fact, it was her best dress. She didn't have many in-tact clothes, but she had managed to tuck that one away. It was the only one without soot or any other questionable stains on it. And the shoes were the only pair she had. It wasn't as if she had been blessed with the kind of money Rei was. He probably knew that quite well.

"Well, we can make another stop to fix this. Don't give me that look. I think you're lovely, but, like I said, I only keep quality people around me. You have to look the part."

"And Akari? Does he have to look the part, too?"

(Y/n) pointed at the blonde who was currently immersing himself in the playground, hanging upside down and doing all kinds of energetic tricks. He was weirdly good at it, too, which she wouldn't have expected. All she knew about him was that he could be kind of an airhead. But, of course, right as she thought that, he made eye contact with her and fell off the bars. The male landed on his feet like a cat but it was hardly graceful.

Akari was more casual in his choice of clothing but it really worked for him. The simpler things were, the better he would look. By no means was he dressed to the calliber that Rei was. Moreover, they didn't match. Akari, unlike his friend, had Athainian style clothes. Then there was the fact that his clothes were somewhat loose on him while Rei's clothes were likely tailor made in order to fit him perfectly.

"He's a bit different," Rei hummed, tilting his head, "Believe me, I'd like to see him be able to wear something with more class, but...I also think he looks better this way. Don't you?"

"I don't know. It's nice and all. It's just also not my type."

"You keep saying that. Do you say that to everyone?"

"Of course not," A pause. "I don't say it to Narahashi."

Rei stood, incredibly offended at that little comment. Again, she wanted to bring up the bluenette. Try as he might, but he could never understand that. It wasn't like he was bringing up Akari every five seconds. With a huff, he snapped his fingers, the younger blonde coming running up to him before entering the car with them. He did so silently, tucking himself on the opposite side of the back that (Y/n) and Rei were on. Rei scoffed. He'd never seen Akari dislike someone so much before.

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