Chapter 46: Precious

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Akari woke up in the early evening with a painful yet familiar stinging sensation. Lazily, he rolled his head over to look at the area with disdain, sitting up to observe his bandaged arm. He knew who must have done that, especially since he knew he never would have done it himself. The blonde wondered why she bothered, and, yet, he pressed his cheek against the clear care, feeling warm all of a sudden.

"Welcome back to the world of the living."

The male glanced up to see (Y/n) there, making his blood suddenly run cold. In guilt, he hid his arm behind his back, making absolutely no flinch when his wounds started bathing him in pain. She frowned. Now Akari was conflicted. He wanted very dearly to help her and continue their conversation from before, but...she hugged him. A wave of horror washed over him as he remembered that, the male darting his eyes down in shame.

"I'm sorry," he trembled, "I shouldn't have...I'm not worthy, so I had to...I had to pay for it."

"How does you mutilating yourself help me?"

"I-I didn't think about that! I'm sorry!"

"It," the girl paused, taking in a sharp breath of concern, "It scared me. I thought...Ugh."

Akari opened his mouth to say something before it hit him. He didn't know what he could say. How was he supposed to explain in a way that she understood? Thinking on it, he guessed he couldn't, and, as a result, he opted to remain quiet, using his uninjured hand to grip onto his blanket. Even if he could explain it, he doubted, with the way the younger girl was looking at him, that she was going to let him try. She looked...disappointed in him.

"You're not going to do it again, are you?"

"Well," he paused, "Penance is - "

"The answer is 'no'. 'No, I'm not going to hurt myself again'."

"But - "

"I told you what I wanted to hear. It's not a debate. You're going to promise me."

"...I can't lie to a goddess."

"It wouldn't be lying if you really aren't going to do it again. It's as easy as that, Akari. You promise me, you never hurt yourself, and we all walk away happy."

The blonde frowned. He wouldn't agree. It didn't really matter what she said to him. He was rigid in what he believed, which was ridiculous to her. She thought the word of a goddess would mean everything to him. Well, that might have been true, but there clearly was something else going on she didn't know. They sat in silence for a while as she came to realize that fact, only for her to speak up again.

"We can talk about this or we can talk about Narahashi. Which would you prefer?"

"Ugh," Akari huffed, almost gagging at the thought of the only male, "He's fine. I promise. I bandaged his shoulder and had someone pick us up to go to the hospital."

"You'd really rather talk about him than yourself?"

"I stayed with him the whole time," the male continued, raising his voice a little bit to ignore her question, "He got stitches and they're keeping him in the hospital for a bit since he lost a lot of blood. Um, they said he'd be fine though, so...please don't worry. I can always go back and check on him for you."

(Y/n) didn't know whether to yell at him or scoff. He was clearly so averse to even talking about hurting himself that he ended up making the conscious decision to talk about Narahashi. Akari hated him. There wasn't anyone more he hated - that much she could tell - and, yet, that was what he chose. Then again, maybe Akari hated himself, too, enough to rank himself lower on the hierarchy he'd devised with her at the top. How ridiculously stupid.

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