Chapter 34: Boundaries

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After a break to calm themselves down, the males all gathered in the living room once again to discuss something of importance. Haru was right at home, taking up an entire couch just for himself as he draped a blanket over him. Meanwhile, Rei pulled Takuya on the seat next to him, just to prevent Akari from trying to sit there. The younger blonde stood awkwardly there, grabbing at the hem of his sweater.

Akari didn't even try to fight it. He just looked dejected. Combined with the fact that he was now covered in bandages, anyone could tell Rei had beaten him to a pulp. The way the male walked alone was concerning, the poor thing limping and wincing every now and again, even if he took care not to exert pressure on anything. In despair, Akari sat down on the floor, curling up insecurely and waiting for someone to start talking.

"Well," Shota paused, clearing his throat to distract himself from watching the sandy-blonde, "I know some of us have made it more clear than the others, but we should more firmly establish our stances now about how we feel about (Y/n). I'll be the first. I have romantic feelings towards her and I plan to act on that; same as last time. Rei?"

"I've been pretty clear," the blonde snapped, leaning back on the couch with a gruff tone, "She's mine."

"So, romantically interested, then."

"Among other things."


"Well," the white-haired male blushed, covering his mouth in embarrassment, "I-I would like to be special to her, so...I am interested in that way."


"I - ," the brunette flared up, turning his head to the side, Obviously. I wouldn't stick around to protect someone I don't have feelings for."

"Haru?" A pause as the red-haired male realized he'd have to explain a bit more. "Do you want to kiss (Y/n)?"

"That was an option?" the male gaped.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'. And, finally, Akari?"

The blonde pressed his lips together in a fine line, looking shyly up at Rei. When the prince didn't spare him a glance, he gave a faint whimper. It seemed his playmate had absolutely no intention of forgiving him. Though, when everyone else was professing their love for the younger girl, he wasn't exactly thrilled about their presence either. That only gave him some comfort, but not much. Quietly, Akari responded in a dejected manner, his voice muffled.


"What? What do you mean 'no'?"

"I don't dare feel that way about her."

"'Dare'? Well, in the scenario that she asks you out, what would - "


Silent glances were exchanged. He kept telling them they wouldn't understand his reasons even if he told them, but they really thought it was out of a romantic love. Then again, when he was telling them the opposite, they couldn't really deny it. It was better for them to have less competition anyway, so they all chose to dismiss it. Though, Haru did start poking Akari's head to see what would happen and what happened was nothing, so the brunette huffed.

"With that said, she is trapped in a house with a bunch of teenage boys," Shota coughed, "So, for her safety, rules for us need to be established as well. For starters, I propose an obvious rule: do not enter her room without permission."

"That's fair," Yamato nodded, "And, even with permission, no one should be allowed in after 9pm at all. No sleeping over. No late night movies. No...naughty stuff."

"At all?" Rei scoffed, receiving a glare, "I'm just saying. If she comes onto me, I don't really care what rules you all have. I'm accepting."

"Hold onto whatever stupid beliefs you have," Takuya pouted, "After she's been sexualized so much, she's not going to want to do that with anyone."

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