Chapter 37: Sharing Is Caring

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Being forgiven by (Y/n) made Akari into his regular self again. The next day, he was bouncing off the walls, his energy admirable. In fact, when she went downstairs for breakfast, she caught him walking around in a handstand. He was really well balanced, too, performing a few tricks just because Haru dared him. When the blonde saw her, he gave a bright smile and got back up on his feet again.

"Good morning, goddess!" he beamed, running over to the kitchen and bringing her a plate of strawberries, "Want some fruit?"

"Thanks?" she hummed, picking the ripest-looking one and munching on it, "But aren't you going to get in trouble with Rei again? I thought he hated you using that word."

"No. He said it's okay if I say it in Athainian. I can say you're my goddess all I want."

"Oh. Uh, knock yourself out?"

Akari giggled and offered her some more fruit, to which she obliged, mainly because Yamato was staring at her. The blonde was happy to hold up the tray for her, taking great joy in it whenever she accepted one of the fruits. Curiously, she reached out as if she was going to take one, watching his face light up, only for her to take her hand back and for his expression to become one of sadness. She did a few more times just to mess with him, ending up snickering at him. Haru perked up.

"Hey!" the brunette gaped, "You laughed! Are you happy now? You're not mad? Stay right there!"

The male ran out of the room as fast as he could, bolting up to his room on the other side of the house. When he came back, he wasn't running, very cautiously holding his little brother. The infant didn't mind being woken up much, more interested in the frog plushie his brother was holding. Making grabby hands, he reached out for it, squishing his cheek against it in a silently overjoyed hug.

"Let's play with Bastien! We can, right? You're not mad, so it's all good now!"

"She's still mad, Haru," Shota sighed, "Just because you brought out a baby doesn't mean she'll - "

Contrary to what the redhead was saying, the (h/c) haired girl was actually a bit delighted to see Bastien again. She wasn't really used to kids or anything but he was a very non-fussy baby and overly affectionate. Of course, though Haru swore he'd been missing her, the infant looked up at her and babbled in an attempt to figure out who she was. He'd forgotten her, it seemed, his memory failing him. That being said, when Haru practically shoved him in her arms, he gave a little squeal of delight.

Bastien was trying to make sure the girl was friendly though, turning back to his brother with a "bah" sound. Since Haru just repeated her name for him to hear, the baby figured she was nice. And when, in an attempt to be playful, she squeezed his nose, he burst out with infectious laughter. He tried to do the same to her, too, lightly making grabby gestures at her nose only to giggle at himself.

Truthfully, with all the happy wiggling the baby was doing, (Y/n) was a little scared she would drop him. So, instead of risking it, she sat down with Haru on the floor, placing Bastien down, too. The little brunette glanced around, smacking the ground before noting his frog. With a blank face, he pointed to the thing, looking up at the girl for a reaction. When she nodded and expressed excitement over it, Bastien, too, became excited, reaching for it in order for his brother to give it to him. He then, generously, gave it to her.

"That's nice of you," she chuckled, patting the baby's head, "You've started sharing so early, huh?"

"I've been trying to get him to stop it," Haru pouted, "He keeps giving his things to other people."

"Well, what's wrong with that?"

"Duh. He's an Akahito. He doesn't ever need to share. I don't, so he doesn't," A pause. "Oh, but I share with family. I only share with my family. See? I'm sharing Bastien with you right now. I don't do that for just anyone. You should be honored."

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