Rei's Ending: Solitude Doesn't Suit A King

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As Akari and (Y/n) waded through the forest, the girl began to have a pep in her step, determined to see the people who loved her most. She then began to hum happily, drawing the attention of the curious blonde. The male began to hum along with her random tune but he wasn't able to follow her newly composed notes and stopped quickly, blushing out of embarrassment. The blonde then put his hand on the back of his neck and chuckled nervously, his cheeks tinted pink.

"Aw, and you were doing so well, too," the (h/c) haired girl teased playfully, making the blonde blush harder and look away.

"Sorry. Even I can't read your mind all the time. Still, it's nice to be with you at times like these. You know, when you're all full of hope. It's...incredible but...kind of a guilty pleasure."

"Is it? Well, you're the one sneaking me out of here, so you're pretty incredible yourself. Have I thanked you for that yet? Because I'm really thankful."

"Multiple times. really shouldn't do that to a monster like me. I'm meant to serve anyway, so..."

(Y/n) gave a small frown at the blonde's way of putting her on a pedestal. It seemed he was relying on her to get through his low self-esteem. The thought was less than pretty. After all, he was entirely too helpful to her when he didn't have to be and put himself in danger for her. Trying to cheer him up, she gave a small grin and punched him playfully in the arm. He gave a strange look before holding onto where she touched him, still getting used to the touchy-feely way she could be.

"Either way, I think you're very special. I've said that before but I mean it. Your loyalty is something other people should take to heart."

The blonde's expression dropped at her seemingly cheerful words. He then slowed his pace, stopping in his tracks before his mind surged through all of the terrible things he had done. He flashed through the memories of his first kill, of his victims pleading with him to spare them, of the blood that had been spilled, etc. Everyone looked at him like he was a monster. Lots of people had even said it out loud. He didn't really think they were wrong. Maybe it was a half-truth, of sorts. Half a monster?

Even (Y/n) calling him loyal was yet another half-truth. Perhaps he had never once had thoughts of betraying his goddess, but Rei was another story entirely. Whether or not it was actually a betrayal blew past him. All he could see was that after years of being attached to him and him alone, he suddenly overlooked him as if he was just a bug. It wasn't fair and it wasn't right. Even so, compared to (Y/n), he knew Rei didn't hold a candle to her. Something about it left a bad taste in the blonde's mouth.

"Akari?" the younger girl mumbled quietly before giving a sigh, "When you leave the house, will you come and have some ice cream with me?"

"I-Ice cream? I-I couldn't dare to - "

"Even if I begged you?" A pause as he made a concerned face. "Pretty please?"

"Goddess, please don't ever do that again. I-I'm not good enough for you. The most I can do is watch out for you as you live your life. I shouldn't be in it at all. I'll only corrupt you and poison you."

"That's not true at all. You helped me stay sane, don't you remember? Without you, I would have gone insane. You should give yourself more credit, Akari. Though it's a little weird to admit...I'm very glad I've had a stalker like you all this time."

The blonde paused, seeing the sincerity in the girl's eyes. She seemed entirely truthful, not a trace of a lie on her lips. His body was overcome with a sense of great sadness but also a great relief, and he was able to fall into her arms and allow her to pet his hair softly as he wept into her. The feeling alone was enough to make him cry for eternity just to have her embrace him like that.

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