Chapter 57: His Setting Sun

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Akari didn't remember the name of the city despite him and his parents having been living there nearly his entire life. He didn't really care about that city, sitting on the roof of the skyscraper they lived in. As he looked down, he only felt displaced. Rei had to leave him behind to travel the world for press conferences with his family. They said Akari was too young to come along; that he needed to spend more time with his parents in Athain since he was about to turn 10 and it was a special thing to celebrate. He didn't think so though.

Akari had never liked the city, always wanting to go run off and explore in a forest or jump into a lake, but the city didn't have those things. It was like a concrete jungle. He could swing from place to place and climb up whatever he wanted, but it wasn't the same. The things around him weren't alive. Even the people looked dead, dragging their feet from their worthless job back to their worthless apartment.

He could see all that from up there, so used to people-watching. Still, it didn't bring him joy. Those people were not his people, but he wasn't allowed to live with his people - the Otsu family. Akari let out a little sigh as he swung his feet over the ledge. The Otsu's lived in Vethela in a massive mansion in a massive plot of land where trees and plants and animals all thrived. Akari wanted to thrive there, too.

He remembered getting to see the mansion maybe once or twice in his life. It was wonderful. Everyone in the family had a job just for them where they worked together in harmony to produce everything. They farmed their own food, built their own buildings, and even raised the livestock all on their own. They were self-sustaining, living together with nature instead of building over it like in Athain.

Sometimes (all the time) Akari fantasized about what it would be like if he could live there. By some miracle, if his grandfather would forgive his mother, he'd be able to live with everyone and have a job all his own. He wondered if he could be like his eldest uncle and lead the entire family with devotion. Arien was incredible like that. He made it look so easy, keeping everyone happy and safe. Everyone loved Arien. Akari wanted to be just like him.

"Akari?!" the blonde heard his mother worriedly call for him, "Akari? Baby?!"

The boy flinched. He wasn't supposed to be climbing up on the roof. In fact, every time his parents caught him doing it, he had to write an apology letter. The blonde only barely got why they became so scared of him climbing stuff like that. He knew it was dangerous, but only if he fell. He never fell, so he didn't see the problem. Still, in order to prevent getting caught, the male swung from the roof back through his window and laid down on his bed, pretending to sleep. His mother came in shortly after that, giving a sigh of relief.

"Akari, wake up," she cooed, gently shaking him until she saw his yellowish green eyes flutter open, "Happy birthday, my little treasure!"

The blonde gave a stifled groan as the woman hugged him as tight as she could. His mother, he knew, was very affectionate, always doting on him like he was some rare jewel. Akari let her smother him with kisses and nuzzles, the boy's cheeks heating up. It was embarrassing for her to keep treating him like a baby. When she had enough, his mother began congratulating him for turning ten, praising how much more handsome he was getting. She said he was as handsome as his eldest uncle. That was the highest form of praise she could give him, comparing him to someone as incredible as Arien. Akari flushed.

"Cece," the boy's father sighed, walking over to the open window and tapping on it, "He snuck out again."

"No, he didn't," she pouted, giving the blonde more kisses, "My little boy is as pure as they come. He was all tucked in and sleeping."

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