Chapter 68: Bonding With The Smallest Brunette

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In the morning, of all people, (Y/n) was surprised to see Yusei standing there with a conflicted look. The ravenette gave a heavy sigh, presenting her with a tray of strawberries and blueberries. She stared at the present, wondering if it was from Yamato. However, she was well aware he wasn't going to apologize for what he did. He deemed it necessary, but, clearly, Yusei knew better. The younger male tapped his foot nervously as she didn't accept the gift, the male formulating a way to express his feelings.

"I'm really sorry about last night," he mumbled quickly, rubbing the back of his neck, "Um, I know it's a lot to ask, considering what happened, but could you give him a second chance? Kage - Yamato, I mean. He's really torn-up about what he did, I promise. It's not like him either. I'm not asking for you to love him right away or anything, but you should know that all he wants is to protect you."

"I don't need him to protect me anymore. Someone who drowns me over and over can't be trusted with that."

"He's just never felt this way about anyone before!" Yusei said, desperately, "I-I swear he's usually really gentle with other people, too, but...I don't know what it was yesterday that made him - Look, you know him. You probably get that he's the kind of guy that just wants to spend his whole life with just one person, and I think he's decided that he wants you to be that person, so..."

As the ravenette male noticed the girl flinching from the idea of it, he began to panic, wondering if she really was planning on giving up on Yamato. From first-hand experience, the ravenette knew the older male really liked her - enough to go to extremes just to ensure she was alright. So, he wasn't entirely sure what would happen if she suddenly wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Fearful of his best friend being rejected, the ravenette got on his hands and knees in order to plead with her.

"Please, I'm begging you! Just give him a chance to prove himself!"

The (h/c) haired girl rolled her eyes. As if him coming and pleading on his friend's behalf would do anything. She understood his loyalty and respected it, but Yamato was responsible for his own actions. If he wanted to be forgiven, he would have to go to her himself. Yusei picked up on her wishes, but, still, he remained on the floor, planning on bowing until she caved in. Though, he never did get the chance to even try, as shouting came from downstairs.

The others were yelling at Yamato for what happened the previous day. Thanks to Takuya, who brought up the cut on her neck, everything escalated like crazy. Of course, the others all seemed to take it for granted the fact the white-haired male knew about her injury, but (Y/n) couldn't help but scoff. He would have had to sneak into her room in the middle of the night to find out about the cut.

All the same, Yamato kept raising his voice and the others only matched his anger, leading to an argument the younger girl could still hear even all the way upstairs. (Y/n) glanced over to Yusei to see if he realized the brunette's "guilt" didn't exist. He did. And, yet, still, the younger male begged her to give him another chance; that he had good intentions behind his actions. She scoffed, brushing past him to notice even Bastien had gotten dragged into the argument, hearing the small brunette cry his eyes out.

Haru rushed to grab the infant from his crib, bringing him into the living room and glaring at everyone else. He was still pissed at Yamato, of course, and was fully planning on having him punished the way he had to be, but Bastien came first. Focusing on bouncing his little brother, he murmured comforting words to him in Echali, but, in the end, Bastien only stopped crying when everyone stopped fighting. He even smiled a bit when (Y/n) came downstairs. The baby seemed to recognize her that time, even alerting his brother.

"Yep," Haru nodded, "(Y/n)."

Bastien babbled a bit, mimicking the sounds he thought his brother was making. At the same time, Takuya moved to hug the younger girl tightly, very much in need of some attention. Haru shoved him away with little to no care about the male as he forced the (h/c) haired girl to hold the infant. Bastien took a bit of time to adjust to the different way that she held him, but he was not a fussy baby, quick to entertain himself with her hair. He started lightly pulling on it, mostly wondering why it was long when his and Haru's hair was short.

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