Chapter 41: Princely

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The next morning was the time Yamato had okayed for the (h/c) haired girl to get some time in the sun. Over-eagerly, she ran out into the backyard, Kiana bolting alongside her and barking. Masaru was more obedient, sitting next to the brunette in case he was given an order. The male merely whistled, letting the shepherd run off and practically tackle the husky, the two starting to play-fight.

Akari also bolted out of the house at full speed, heading straight for the biggest tree. (Y/n) gawked at the speed he had in climbing it, the blonde unbothered by the roughness of the bark. On the contrary, he just kept jumping higher and higher, sticking his head out to wave when he reached the top. He was like a kid on the playground, overcome with excitement. Though, even if not for the massive smile on his face, everyone knew he was having a blast from his rapid and energetic movements.

"He's going to fall," the younger girl chuckled, earning a scoff from Rei.

"He won't. He's our wild child. Besides, he's climbed bigger things before."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, he's climbed the palace before, so...about ten stories? Though, I think he used to swing on the ledges of his parents' penthouse. That was about 35 stories up. He only stopped because they caught him doing it."

"How has he not died?!"

"Don't ask me. I've seen him jump down from three stories and be perfectly fine. Here, watch. Akari, jump down from there!"

The younger male perked up at the sound of Rei's voice, giving an eager nod before falling from the top of the tree. The (h/c) haired girl shrieked as it happened, but, like the prince said, Akari was unbothered by the fall, landing square on his feet and rushing over to his playmate. Rei snickered while the girl tried to wrap her head around it, rewarding Akari with a pat on the back.

"Need something?" the younger male beamed.

"No. Just wanted to see if you were still a little freak."


Akari rushed back off again to climb the tree. This time, perhaps because he knew the shape and stability of the tree, it was even faster. (Y/n) had about three separate heart attacks when he jumped back to catch a hold, but he never fell. He just amused himself like a squirrel - nature's crackhead. As she thought that, the male hung upside-down on one of the branches to show off the fact that he had caught an actual squirrel, the poor animal terrified beyond belief.

"You put that down!" the girl yelled, "You're going to get rabies!"

The blonde turned to look at the animal only to point at it to verify she was talking about it. Of course, she shouted again, to which he released it, the thing flying down the trunk for the sole purpose of escaping Akari. Of course, he was none too fond about it, missing his new friend, but he cheered up again by spinning himself around on the branch like it was a gymnastics bar. (Y/n) averted her eyes.

"Hey," Haru mumbled, pushing the girl forward stubbornly, "You have to get in the sun. Vitamin D is good for you. That's why I let you out."

(Y/n) didn't resist. She just led him to a nice chunk of sun, the girl falling down to lay on the ground and soak it all up. It was so peaceful. It was weird to think of her abduction as that but it was. As she glanced at the others, she couldn't help but notice how they were all getting along. There wasn't any arguing, there wasn't any tension, and they were all working together to keep her there. It was weird.

She began to fiddle with the bush behind her as she thought about it. It had become clear to her that many of them, if not all, had some kind of affection for her. Shota and Takuya obviously had romantic feelings and she might have counted Rei as having that, too, but he was hard to read. Yamato was also teetering on romantic versus platonic love, too. At least, that was how she saw it since she was having a difficult time figuring it out. Haru...She just figured he was jumping on the bandwagon. And for Akari, he'd already made his feelings of subservience clear regardless of the reason behind it.

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