Chapter 40: Ice Cream

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Takuya had Isao pick him up. It wasn't like he specifically asked for the ravenette to drive him but it was his job, so he just sat in the back right corner, as far away from him as possible. All the while, he refused to answer any questions the male asked him, even knowing that they were only light-hearted questions meant to rekindle their long-damaged relationship. Takuya preferred to stare at the (h/c) haired girl's handwriting on her little order, giving a gentle smile.

It had been so, so, so long since he'd had a night of actual sleep. He didn't jolt awake in the middle of the night, he didn't take forever to fall asleep, and he even slept in. Of course, that was what ended up getting him in trouble, but, all the same, he felt so rested, that didn't even bother him at the moment. On the contrary, he felt like running around everywhere with all the new energy he had, blushing pink. He'd been right all along. (Y/n) was the key to his happiness.

"Is this the one?" Isao asked, prompting the younger male to glance out the window at the small shop.

"Sweet Scoops. Yep! You stay here!"

"Wait, but I - "

Takuya bolted out of the car with a skip in his step. He entered the tiny shop with a feeling of awe. It was quite cozy. Though, he supposed that was what locally-run shops were supposed to be like, especially a little ice cream parlor. Curious, he looked around for someone to take his order. Since they heard the sound of the bell that came from the door, they came out from the staff door, giving a cheer smile to the male.

The male must have been a young adult since he was tall and well-built but definitely not mature. Still, Takuya really liked the little uniform he wore. It was really cute with the little beige stripes and pins. He wore a hat, too, but one of those mini-ones that served almost little to no purpose. Nonetheless, it gave a really nostalgic feeling. Haru's father loved places like that. Maybe he'd recommend it sometime.

"What can I d'ya for, bud?" the employee chuckled, "I personally recommend extra chocolate fudge, but it's not for everyone. It's a ton of chocolate."

"Oh. I actually have a note here with the order. Can I just read it out loud?"

"'Course. Shoot. What's the flavor?"

"Uh, a large cup of blueberry."

"Seriously?" the young man scoffed, immediately shutting his mouth and giving an apologetic look, "Ah, no judging, no judging. My bad. That's just our least popular flavor, so it's been a while since I've heard someone ask for it."

Takuya shrugged. It was what (Y/n) wanted, not him. Regardless, the employee was quick to scoop up a nice, hefty scoop as an apology for his surprise. He said it wouldn't be any extra charge, not that it really mattered to the white-haired male. His mother had since given him a lot of money to spend on the younger girl. An ice cream was nothing, really. Maybe that was why he was a bit surprised that was all she wanted.

They proceeded to move through the line of toppings, Takuya reading out each one of the requests in order of how they were written. At the end, he gave a little sigh of relief, not having to read anything else off. Instead, he cheerfully handed over the credit card to be rung up, the employee thanking him for stopping by and giving him a frequent visitor card with a hole punched out. Apparently, every tenth ice cream was free. Takuya wondered if (Y/n) would ever ask him for more. The thought excited him, making him leave the shop in a good mood.

At the same time, the employee gave a little chuckle. Blueberry ice cream. Nobody liked that flavor. It was crap. It didn't matter how artificial or how real the taste was. That flavor was always despised. Frequent customers always turned their noses up at a free sample of the stuff. It just was not popular at all. In fact, the only ones who did order that particular flavor were people the employee knew well. He walked in the back with a chuckle.

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