Chapter 42: Panacea

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Takuya's punishment was finally over, so, obviously, first thing in the morning, he waited eagerly at (Y/n)'s door, staring at his phone. He was waiting for the time to turn to 9am, and, when it did, he felt his heart flutter. The male waited patiently as he knocked on the door, rocking back and forth on his feet. He was so excited to hear if she liked her ice cream. Hopefully, she did. That way, she could give him lots of attention and he, in return, could give her as much ice cream as she wanted.

He wondered what he would do with the attention, flushing red at the thought. Maybe they could watch another movie together. Or, maybe, she would decide to teach him those folk songs she liked. Yes, that was what he wanted. He wanted her to trust him with something like that. If she did, that was a clear sign she liked him, right? After all, if she gave him something she didn't give anyone else, it meant he was special. The male gave an excited squeak, only to realize she hadn't opened the door yet.

Concerned, he knocked again, figuring she was just sleepy. Then he did it again. And again. And a fourth time. And, finally, he panicked, opening the door to see if she was alright only to see no one in the bed. Distraught, he tried to keep an open mind, thinking she must have been taking a shower to get her morning started. Though, there was no sound of water and the bathroom was unlocked, allowing him to see it was empty, too.

In disbelief, he started looking everywhere from under the bed to in the closet, only to realize she was gone. Takuya screamed in horror, alerting everyone else in the house. (Y/n) was gone.

. . .

The previous night, the (h/c) haired girl waited patiently, knowing she needed the cloak of night to arrive in order to escape. Fortunately, the only thing standing in her way of freedom was a little sheet of metal in front of the window. Normally, that would have been a problem. She was too low on energy to pull it off, and, obviously, she needed a tool. Luckily, she managed to pass through a message to Narahashi, and, just as she requested, he delivered a tiny but powerful laser that he'd hidden behind the house in one of the bushes.

Some part of her before then had been a bit worried that he had up and forgot their little secret language. Though, considering how good his memory was, she was fretting for nothing. (Y/n) easily cut through the metal sheet, making a wide enough hole to push the window open and slip through. The jump from the second story wasn't at all fun, but it did the trick. When she recovered from the landing, she hopped up and over the fence.

Shota bragged she wouldn't be able to find her way out of the forest but he didn't count on visitors. The tracks made by Rei's brothers' car were still visible, allowing her to follow them until she reached a road. It was a dirt road and clearly not well-traversed but all she needed to do was keep following the tracks. Ichiro said something about a hotel in Asakai. That was in the east part of Keisetsu, which was exactly where she wanted to go.

She was preparing for the long jog, too, only for her to pause when she saw a car. The tracks continued but their car was still there. Why did they come back? Ichiro leaned out the window to give her a wave, making her freeze in place. At least, she froze until he offered her a ride. Hesitantly, she accepted, not knowing when the others would find her gone. She highly doubted they'd do anything suspicious either, especially when Kazuki made such a big deal of being loyal to his girlfriend.

"Where are you heading this time of night?" Ichiro hummed, turning around from the front seat to look at her as they drove off.

"Maybe I was out for a midnight jog."

"Let's say that, then. We're headed to Asakai. That cool?"


There were no questions asked. On the contrary, it was like they knew not to ask. So, she, too, decided not to question why they were all the way out there for no reason. They ended up parting ways as soon as they reached their destination at the hotel. The males got out of the car, waving farewell to her before they turned to go inside. She didn't waste any time sprinting off as soon as she saw the street they were on.

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