Chapter 71: Breaking Points

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The next morning, the (h/c) haired girl wasn't imagining it when everything appeared cold. No one was talking to each other, there were glares thrown across the room between select individuals, and no one even reacted when she appeared. In an attempt to ignore it and leave as quickly as possible, she went to grab something from the fridge. That being said, quite immediately, Rei intercepted her, likely about to insist she have something he made. Of course, he was unable to do that since Yamato was quick to stand in between them.

(Y/n) watched with skepticism as the brunette scowled at the prince, both of them saying nothing but getting their points across all the same. Hesitantly, she backed away, not sure if a fight was about to start, only for her to run into Shota. With a quiet apology, he made sure she was alright but then turned to stare at the other two. He put his hand on his hip as he watched, and, while the younger girl would have understood him directing that kind of look to Rei alone, she didn't get what Yamato had to do with it. When she tried fleeing again, she found her arm was latched onto by Takuya.

"Did you sleep okay?" he mumbled, keeping his voice as quiet as possible.

"Um, I guess, but, you know, right now, I think I'd like to go get some more."

"Oh. Can I...come with?"

The younger girl flinched as Haru shoved Takuya away. It was a sudden gesture she could barely comprehend. She didn't think that the two were on bad terms and it didn't look like the brunette was jealous of him asking the question. The look on his face indicated more that he was angry at him for something he had done. Of course, she wouldn't have known what that was since they didn't talk. They just glared at one another.

The only one left out of the weird fighting and the tense atmosphere was Akari. He was just sitting in the same place he was last night. She had to take another glance at him to figure out if he had stayed there the whole night. It didn't make any sense why he would have, so she just dismissed it. He was glancing at the others with a lot of sadness, glancing at her momentarily to try and muster up a smile for her.

After that, the (h/c) haired girl fled. She didn't know what was happening but she didn't really want to find out either. And though, for the rest of the day, she didn't hear anything going down, she knew the atmosphere was still tense. Even if she had checked up on them every now and then, she would have seen the same thing for the entire day. Her attempts to avoid it by staying hidden in her room only worked until dinner. At that point, Yamato came up to fetch her, intent on not letting her miss another meal.

She made her way downstairs to find everyone already sitting down for the meal. Rei and Akari had presumably set the table, but Rei clearly hadn't cooked. They had ordered pizza. As she tried to wrap her head around Rei not throwing a fit about not cooking, she felt a tug on her sleeve. Takuya was begging her to sit next to him, tilting his head ever so slightly. She decided it would be in her best interest to sit between him and Akari. Ironically, they were the safest people to be around.

(Y/n) didn't even have to move to get a slice of pizza. Yamato moved first to grab her a slice of cheese, taking into account her preferences. Shota had tried grabbing a slice for her, too, but as soon as the brunette gave it to her, he resigned himself to eating it instead, throwing a nasty glare at the male. Haru was very content eating pizza, savoring it until he remembered he was mad and put on a grumpy face.

"So," she paused, averting her glance as she tried breaking up the tension, "How did we decide on pizza tonight?"

"Can't trust Rei to cook," Yamato mumbled, resulting in the male in question slamming his hands on the table.

"You can't trust me?"

"I-I meant," (Y/n) interjected, "Just that I like pizza a bunch."

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