Chapter 69: A Secret Shared Between "Friends"

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Akari remained pinned under Rei, the older male taking a lot of delight in sliding one of the broken pieces of the vase against his playmate's cheek. Arguably, Akari received more enjoyment from it, especially since he was being more vocal. All the same, his squirming only spurred the older male on, prompting him to push into his lips harder. He must have bit down on Akari's tongue, too, considering he made a little yelp of pain.

"Haven't you gotten out of your clumsy phase yet, Akari?" Rei chuckled, following the tease with a violent slap across the male's face, "You know that was a gift from my brother. What am I supposed to do now that it's broken? I mean, do you think he'll notice if I glue it back together with gold?"

"Sorry. I - "

"You will be sorry."

The noise Akari made was one of utter anticipation, a shiver running down his spine as Rei gripped firmly onto his hair and yanked him up. It was then that the younger male noticed the ajar door, his look of ecstasy replaced by one of horror. Unable to even convey the information to the older male in words, he panicked, his breathing escalating as Rei slammed his back to the wall and began choking him with a sadistic smirk.

Akari attempted to tell him about the younger girl peering in at them with what little breath he had left, only for Rei to completely ignore him. The older male thought it was just part of their usual game, closing in for another selfish kiss. Panicking, Akari quickly brought his hand up to stop him from doing so, resulting in another violent slap across the cheek. The younger male was sent to the floor with the force of the slap, tears springing to his eyes as (Y/n) entered the room. He couldn't look her in the eyes, let alone at her form. He didn't deserve it.

"What are you doing?!" the younger girl shouted, making Rei flinch and turn to face her in surprise.

"Cupcake," the male purred, placing his hands on his hips and chuckling, "Don't worry about him. This is how he likes it. Though, it's a bit embarrassing you found out about my little hobby. This was supposed to be the last time, too."

"Is this really that casual for you? Also, what do you mean 'last time'? And is this - "

"Sometimes people like to let off stress by playing with something cute. Don't you know that? Or is it that you're jealous? I'd love it if you were, but there's no need to be. Akari can't compare to you. He's just my little pet."

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the male in question flinch. He looked hurt. Of course, he had already sworn to her that she was his number one priority, but maybe he had been with Rei for so long he mistakenly believed it was different for him. Either way, while one of them was wallowing in pity over the statement, the other had a large smile on his face. Clearly, it was an unfair relationship.

"I knew you two were a thing," Haru grumbled, wrinkling up his nose, "I caught you guys in the broom closet at Jindei, but you said you guys were sleeping. I hate it when you lie to me."

"But you believed it," Rei scoffed, "That's on you."

The brunette let out another sound of discontent. He should have known better than to trust Rei. He was well known for lying. All the same, Haru didn't really know what to think. He felt bad for Akari. He could have done better. Taking another suspicious glance at the older male, Haru once again pouted angrily. Stupid Rei.

"I'm telling Shota."

"Oh no," the blonde said with a sarcastic tone, staring at his nails lethargically, "Stop. Please don't tell dad. He'll totally beat my ass. I shiver just thinking about that look he'll give me."

"...I'm telling Yamato."

"What?!" Rei perked to attention, "Why? What's he gonna do? Akari was a willing participant. You don't have to tell him."

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