Chapter 54: Ill

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After a few hours, the (h/c) haired girl only appeared to be getting worse. The males all gathered together downstairs, collectively murmuring to one another about the state she was in. While most tried to reason that it was just a common ailment, everyone had a lingering shadow of doubt about what kind of illness it was. It may have just been a cold - as Takuya tried to suggest - but it could have been something much worse. As they tried to figure out what to do, the arguing just got worse and worse.

Even so, no one was at the level of stress Haru was experiencing. Their worries came from the fear that she was in pain or that they couldn't spend time with her like that. However, the brunette was unable to see her sickness as anything else but life-threatening. What else was he supposed to think? His mother had succumbed to something as terrible as that. It hadn't started out that way but it just got worse and worse and worse and...worse. He flinched, quick to shout over everyone else.

"The doctor! I have to take her to the doctor!"

"I know you're worried," Shota murmured, glancing to the side, "but this is most likely a cold. Taking her to the doctor risks the chance that she could be found."

"You mean it puts her life in danger with that killer," Yamato snapped, earning a nervous chuckle from the red-haired male.

"I...had forgotten about that."

"How could you have forgotten?!"

"It's not exactly pleasant to worry about some deranged lunatic targeting the girl I love, is it?!"

"Guys," Takuya shivered, "I think Haru's right. Just to be safe - "

"To be safe, she should be kept here," Yamato objected, "Let's get a doctor here like we did for you and keep her safe and sound without going outside."

"But what if she needs some kind of machine? Or an IV? Or - "

"Stop it," Haru trembled quietly, going unnoticed by the rest of the group, who continued with their lengthy argument.

"Do you even understand how precious (Y/n) is now?!" Rei shouted, slamming his hands on the table, "I don't care whatever you two have to say! I don't even know why we've been letting you two make all the big decisions around here! I'm not letting my cupcake writhe around in pain!"

"She won't even be able to 'writhe around in pain' if the killer finds her!" Shota snapped back.

"You really think a hospital is just going to let some nobody in?!"

"Use your brain! They obviously know intimate details about her, so they'd recognize her on sight! Plus, when the police have yet to even come close to finding them, they're obviously way too good at sneaking around!"

"Then, we go to one of Haru's hospitals! They've got crazy security!"

"As much as here?!" Yamato yelled.

Everyone just kept clamoring and clamoring for their voices to be heard. All the same, no conclusion was going to be reached. They were at a stalemate, and, if there was no majority ruling, there would be no decision. All the while, Haru could only contemplate the amount of pain the girl must have been in. He kept muttering for them to knock it off, telling them to stop, to cease, to halt, to finish, to fucking shut up, but no one was listening. And, at some point, he couldn't take it anymore.

Haru sprinted up the stairs, carrying the (h/c) haired girl on his back. And though Shota and Yamato were yelling at him to put her down - that they hadn't finished discussing everything - he didn't listen. Rei and Takuya were quick to help him, blocking the other two from doing anything. Akari stood back, not really sure what to do. It wasn't that he wasn't concerned for her, but he knew she abhorred hospitals. Still, unable to reach a conclusion, he could only stand around, distancing himself from the argument.

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