Chapter 10: "Princess"

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 "You infuriate me," he mumbled, raising his voice to repeat, "You infuriate me! I had to come to this stupid, worthless city because Yamato had to go and make a scene at Jindei. And, do you know what happened when I got to Keisetsu? Huh?"

"Something that doesn't matter, I'm sure."

"Shut the fuck up!" the blonde shouted, pressing the knife to her throat, "Everyone always fawns over me! But the second I get to that stupid school, it's all about (Y/n) and 'Hashi, (Y/n) and 'Hashi! 'Oh my god. Did you hear about (Y/n)? She got first place in the national aptitude test'. 'Wow. 'Hashi's so amazing. He's friends with everyone because he's so good-looking and nice'. You, too. You'd rather fawn at his feet than mine."

"I don't know you."

"You were supposed to!" A pause as the male tried to cool himself down, "Do you know why people call you 'princess'?"

"...the list."

"That's right. The guys at school seem to think unanimously that you are the most attractive girl. Everyone thinks you're gorgeous, (Y/n), but you're a different breed. People like you, who don't have money or social status don't even seem human to people like us. You don't seem human to us."

"I've noticed."

"But somehow, someway, some pathetic little thing managed to get into a school like Keisetsu. You're the only one. For guys like us," A pause, "it's a hell of a fucking fantasy."

That much was true. People saw the (h/c) haired girl at school and instinctually knew she was different. They pictured a poor, vulnerable thing and their minds began to tick. All they would ever know were put-together, well-bred young ladies. Those would be the kind of people they would marry and form connections with. Everyone knew girls like that were modest and full of virtue, so when they saw a rare specimen like (Y/n), they thought the opposite of her. Their minds went to foul places.

"It's only natural you ended up on the top of that list. What was it called again? 'The top ten girls at Keisetsu who are begging for it', or something like that? They make you out to sound like such a slut."

(Y/n) said nothing.

"My first day at Keisetsu - No, my first class, even - I got handed a copy of a lovely little story. Apparently, it's all over the school. No one knows who wrote it. Do you know about it?"

Again, nothing.

"Someone with a great talent for writing chose to write about you. I've got to say: it was the hottest thing I've ever read. My only regret was that it was too short. It had all sorts of nasty little details about you that some bastard fantasized. Had you bent over a bed, taking it like a champ. I could almost hear the little moans it said you made."

The younger girl narrowed her eyes. She'd known about the story, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. It followed the narrative of an unnamed male who found a beautiful girl at his school. Of course, it was her. The story said her name about twenty million times, going in detail to describe her. There was a heavy focus on her body, especially her naked body, mainly because the story was a piece or pornography.

The main character saw past her "filthy" background as a commoner, the male the only one to give her a shot. Though, that only entailed the rest of the story, an in-depth fantasy about hooking up with her. The male did just about everything to her in incredible detail, but she was made out to be insatiable for a man. According to the male populace of their school, the best thing about it was the fact that they could see themselves as the male protagonist.

The title of the story was "Pillow Princess", likely because she had everything done to her but did not reciprocate in the story. Either way, the name "princess" spread like wildfire. Everyone called her that. And, even if they didn't understand it at first, the teachers did, too. Narahashi fought for her. He did. And people liked Narahashi very much but only when he was smiling, so they didn't listen.

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