Chapter 58: A Time Long Past

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Akari had all but forgotten he had ditched language school and neglected to tell anyone where he was. It might have been usual behavior for him but it never got easier for his poor parents. They ended up sending out a search party for him. Eventually, he ended up back in their penthouse, unable to stop smiling down at his camera. The boy merely rushed to see his mother and father, hugging them tightly. Though confused, they accepted his joy, unable to scold him when he cut them off first.

"I found my picture! My inspiration! Will you look? Will you look?"

The boy's father reached out to inspect the photograph, giving a small gasp of surprise. It was nowhere near as talented as the pictures he would take, but he was a professional. Akari's first picture was impressive for a beginner. He managed to capture the perfect pink sunset sky and found a very unique girl to model in front of it. The colors were incredible. He wondered if the moment was planned or not.

"A little girl," his father chuckled, pinching at his son's cheeks, "Do you have a crush, Akari?"

"A girl?"

His mother excitedly took the camera from her husband, beaming from ear to ear to see what kind of girl the blonde liked. Her smile fell quickly. She darted her eyes up at Akari, giving him a nervous smile when she noticed how happy he looked. The blonde had noticed she was someone special. The woman then passed the camera back and went to grab Akari's hand, beginning to lead him upstairs.

"Did you like the picture?" he asked, "Did you see? She's a goddess."

"It was...very pretty," his mother responded in a hurry, putting on a loving smile to calm his nerves, "Speaking of which, you won't believe who came all the way from Vethela just to see you."

"Uncle Rune?!"

Akari got swept away in his excitement, letting go of his mother's hand to rush towards the guest room. He couldn't wait to see his youngest uncle, even shoving the door open as fast as he could. But it wasn't Rune. After his mother rushed to catch up with him, he froze in place while she exchanged hugs with her eldest brother. Akari glanced down at his camera, wondering if he should show Arien, but when the man looked down to greet him, the blonde suddenly felt very proud - like he just had to show him.

"U-Uncle Arien! Look at who I met today! A goddess! Really!"

The man gave a soft smile at his only nephew's rambling, elegantly accepting the device. With a soft hum, he stared at the little girl in the picture. He stared for a while before his smile got bigger. Arien kneeled down to be on Akari's level, patting him on the head. The blonde blushed. He couldn't believe someone as incredible as Arien was giving him attention like that. He felt so very special and all the more loved when the man hugged him.

"Is she your little goddess, Akari?" he chuckled lightly, taking another glance at the camera.

"Yes! I knew it right away when I looked at her!"

"How sweet. You want to treat her well, right? Maybe you'd like some help with that. I wouldn't mind teaching you a bit."

"I-I'd really, really love that, Uncle Arien!"

"It's just Arien, silly boy."

. . .

Akari returned to the park the very next day. He waited the entire day, even watching the sun set again, but (Y/n) didn't show up. The blonde wondered if she forgot or if she couldn't come. She did tell him she wasn't sure if she could be there. So, he returned the next day and the day after that. Though, no matter how many times he went, he was never able to see her. Even so, he wanted to tell her the good news; that he would be staying in Athain.

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