Chapter 36: Confession

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The next day, Shota had forced himself to wake up early, if only because he heard the younger girl went downstairs in the morning. She had made a point she didn't want to see anyone else for the rest of the day, so the redhead was very sore about oversleeping. And yet, despite his attempts to stay awake downstairs, she didn't appear in the morning. Rather, when she came out, it was around lunch, and it was only because Yamato was pestering her about eating.

"Do you see a meal?" she huffed, motioning sarcastically to the empty counter.

"Just because Rei didn't make anything doesn't mean there's no food! Look, the massive pantry and fridge are completely stocked. Choose your pick!"

"I'm in the mood for something hot."

"Then, I'll make it. What do you want?"

"A soufflé."

"You're being difficult on purpose!"

"You asked me what I want. That's what I want."

The brunette scoffed, turning away to look up a recipe. Of course, that was easier said than done when there were so many sources to pick from. Nonetheless, despite the difficulty level, if it would make her eat, he would try. A little hope lingered in his heart that, perhaps, he was a genius cooking prodigy and he just didn't know it yet. Though, (Y/n) was well aware he was destined to fail.

"Good morning," Shota smiled, joining her at the counter, "Have you gotten used to everything yet?"

He was met with silence. No, worse than that, she turned her head away to avoid looking at him. The male knew why, too. Among other things, it was because he had been the one to set everything into motion. He suggested having her stay at Rei's, he suggested moving her to Haru's, he suggested drugging her when she wouldn't cooperate, and he was now speaking on behalf of the group. Obviously, she was most frustrated with him. He frowned, wondering how he could make everything normal again.

"Is the room nice, at least? I didn't want you to be bored, so I added a bookshelf. I was just guessing what genres you might like, but I hope the addition made you feel comfortable."

"Yeah. About as comfortable as the lack of a window."

"That - You know why we had to do that. I just meant if there was anything I could do to make it easier on you, please let me know."

Again, she refused to make a comment, giving a sneer. Shota flinched, feeling his heart race out of fear. Sure, he understood why she was acting like that and that her anger would fade sooner or later, but it didn't make it easy. Romantically speaking, he was the first one interested in her, and, yet, it seemed he was at a disadvantage now. Fearful, he retreated, trying to think of some way to earn back some affection.

That was when Rei came bounding down the stairs, a major pep in his step. A big smile was on his features, along with messy hair. He'd clearly just woken up, and, still, he looked completely satisfied with the course of the day. And it only got better when he saw his cupcake, the blonde running over to trap her in a tight hug. He started nuzzling her, giving her a bunch of different greetings.

"I'll take it you made up with Akari," she sighed, attempting to pry his arms off of her to no avail.

"Mhm. Things are right back where they should be. More or less anyway. You're so smart, you know that? It was just like you said. I don't really get his whole obsession with you, but he showed just how much he worshipped me, so it's fine."

"Where is he then?"

"He's going to stay in bed all day, so just forget about him for now. I'm in a good mood! Let's make some lunch together."

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