Chapter 65: Rule Follower

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 "That's not fair! You can't take it away! I own it!"

Haru continued throwing a fit as Rei happily took away his game console. There wasn't a lot they could do to the brunette, especially since the biggest punishment would be kicking him out of his own house - which they couldn't do. A close second was kicking Bastien out of the house, but, with the brunette's parents overseas to get medical treatment for his mother, the baby had nowhere else to go.

"You're getting off the hook easy," Rei scowled at him, "I mean, seriously? We all did you a kindness, giving you some privacy with (Y/n), and you go and hunt her down and then kiss her?"

"It was her first kiss," Takuya pouted, touching his own lips at the sad understanding he wasn't the first to kiss her.

"We could just make this fair. Everyone who hasn't kissed her gets to and we can go a bit easier on you guys."

"No way! You can't force her!"

"Then I guess you'll enjoy your punishment next."

The white-haired male flinched. He had already been punished before for sneaking into her room late at night, so he was entirely sure he would be kicked out that time for sure. With great sadness, he looked up at Shota, begging him to be on his side. However, when the majority was still ruling, the odds were stacked against him, even with the red-haired male's help. Somberly, he wondered just how lonely he was going to be without her.

"Well, we know now that Haru took her first kiss," the male mumbled, trying to wiggle his way out of being punished, "So, does it really matter if I - "

"Yes," Yamato scoffed, "You don't get to kiss her whenever you want. That was one of the first rules in this house. No touching. Didn't you advocate for that rule?"

"But - But was a stressful situation. I wouldn't have...normally..."

"No excuses. This is your second offense. I think it's only fair you get kicked out, especially with what happened because of your mother."

"You think he should be punished because of something someone else did?" Shota asked in disbelief, "If that's the case, you're opening up the possibility of - "

"I also vote to kick Takuya out," Rei smirked, raising his hand, "Akari does, too."

The sandy blonde looked confused, wanting to protest. Takuya might have been a little unpredictable but, if he got kicked out, the (h/c) haired girl would only be left with three aggressive males, one manipulative one, and only one ally. Takuya was needed to even out the odds just a little bit. All the same, when Rei kept glaring at him to follow along, Akari reluctantly raised his hand, not daring to go against him.


The brunette shrugged. He liked Takuya. He was quiet and helped look after Bastien sometimes. Thus, he was also reluctant to kick the white-haired male out. It also happened that Haru didn't want to make it so easy to get kicked out. Even if he owned the house, they could always just move her so he couldn't see her. He wasn't confident that he wouldn't mess up again, so it was better to keep Takuya around, especially if everyone was paying attention to the bad things he was doing.

"I wanna keep him."

"H-Haru," the white-haired male smiled in gratitude, almost on the verge of tears.

"Then what do we do with him?" Yamato snapped again, "Ground him? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds?"

"But if Haru got away with kissing and trying to kill her," Shota paused, tilting his head to the side, "it's only reasonable to give him a slap on the wrist this time. I'm sure he won't do it again."

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