Chapter 66: Yamato's Date

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The glances everyone was giving Yamato was not easily missed. Haru was probably the most upset, only keeping quiet since Bastien was in his lap and entertaining him, but the others were plenty jealous, too. Shota kept his emotions to himself whereas Takuya was very obviously scowling at the brunette. It was his own fault though, so the brunette didn't feel bad about it whatsoever. Then there was Rei, who just rolled his eyes and told him she better be hungry by dinner. Akari, however, was different. He looked sad.

Either way, Yamato spent his time getting ready, Yusei helping him out and making sure he had no obvious imperfections in his appearance. Rei made some comments though, laughing at the very thought the brunette would ever be the most attractive person when he was there. Though, weirdly enough, Yamato had no retort to that. At least, he had no audible retort, mostly because, if he told the blonde what he really thought, there might have been more tension between him and Akari.

Yamato was modest about his appearance, mainly because he knew he didn't have to say anything about his looks for them to shine through. Irritatingly enough, when Rei talked about how handsome he was, it never seemed to detract from it. And while Yamato would always refer to his friends as attractive - not just based on their bond - Akari was always the first one that came to mind when he thought of the word "beautiful".

The brunette took a moment to think about that, even, inadvertently, staring at the male to do so. He wasn't mistaking Akari for being the most "handsome" person he had ever seen. That word implied a kind of masculine feature more akin to himself or Rei, maybe. But, without a shadow of a doubt, Akari was the most "beautiful" person. He didn't even really know how to describe it either, but he knew it was true. Akari always seemed a bit more ethereal than everyone else because of it.

Yamato felt a little bad for Akari. He wasn't getting rewarded because of Rei. Well, that was the underlying reason Shota didn't want to give him a reward. But, really, Akari had been doing the most for the (h/c) haired girl's happiness. It made him wonder why he was doing it, too, or why, when he was outed to be her stalker, it continued to be like that. Even after years of knowing the blonde, he still didn't know Akari's motivations. He frowned.

"Ready to go?" (Y/n) suddenly asked, coming down the staircase with a pep in her step, "I don't need to bring anything, right?"

The younger girl had gone and dressed herself in something really cute. It probably wasn't her intention or anything but it made Yamato smile. Maybe it was because he knew she dressed up for him today. Shyly, he shook his head, motioning to the front door. The others watched with narrowed eyes as she departed, Takuya even moving to talk to her, only for Shota to hold him back.

"We'll be back at seven."

"That long?!" the white-haired male whined, "But - "

"Just take care of her," Akari requested, darting his eyes to the floor as he caught Rei staring at him suspiciously, "Um, you know, keep her out of harm's way."

Yamato nodded before he closed the door. His men had already driven up to the estate, waiting to pick them up in the fancy limousine his mother had. It was only supposed to be used for special occasions. Though, clearly, his mother must have signed off on him using it, the brunette sitting with the younger girl in the back. He watched her assess each and every one of the men in the car, sometimes giving an unsure look about them.

"They're just here to make sure no one hurts you," he reassured her, "They're all loyal."

She didn't seem to trust that, but, nonetheless, she gave them no more weird glances. In fact, the people who were making the weird glances were the brunette's men. They were all teasing him - him, the young master who had never so much as looked at a girl because he was too obsessed with fighting. Shyly, he glanced away, hoping they would cut it off, but, clearly, Yusei was the leader in all of the teasing. At times, he heard the ravenette snicker, making the car ride very exhausting.

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