Chapter 16: Caught

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Interrogations continued for the next few days. The police managed to work out a few of the guilty suspects but the author of the story still remained a mystery. (Y/n) spent her time trying to avoid everyone, people only getting more hostile towards her. Luckily, she was able to relax with the others, the males all happy to spend time with her. Haru, especially, took up a big chunk of her time, even stealing her away to his console room in the office. The more they played together, the more he liked her.

With Haru around, no one said anything or glared at her. It paid to be his friend. Plus, he always followed her around, so she felt very safe and secure despite the hostility. In fact, he even decided to get to school early just to wait for her. He then eagerly walked with her to her homeroom, pushing Takuya out of his spot just to be next to her. Fortunately, the white-haired male seemed used to it.

"Wow," the brunette gaped, pointing to the screen of his device in her hands, "I didn't get that as early as you. You should use it. It amplifies damage to undead."

"What good does that do me when I'm fighting people right now?"

"But the questline you're on means you're going into an area with tons of them."

"That's called a spoiler."

"No. It's called valuable information. You're welcome. Also the boss is weak to - "


"No, listen - "


The brunette frowned, trying to figure out what she was trying to communicate. He didn't get it, so he went and spoiled the boss. In doing so though, she was able to beat it on the first try, earning a special reward for it. Haru then demanded praise, to which she obliged. Meanwhile, Takuya and Shota had no idea what was happening. They just knew that the brunette was sapping away her attention.

"Ah," Anon mumbled, conflicted with the appearance of Haru, "I thought...Uh, are you busy, (Y/n)?"

"Oh, no. We can talk," the girl chuckled, passing the device to the brunette when he was about to object, "Just play for me, okay? I'd be grateful."

That satisfied Haru just enough for her to have a conversation with the other male. Haru would occasionally look over at the girl and narrow his eyes, but, otherwise, he was immersed in the game. He even neglected to eavesdrop on them, leaving that for Shota to do. Takuya tried to be respectful and pay attention to something else but the redhead could only analyze everything the strangemale said. The male really didn't like Anon. Perhaps it was because he was friends with Narahashi, but, more obviously, it was because he had been getting close to the younger girl.

"I just wanted to know how you were doing," the ravenette mumbled, "You stormed out of science a few days ago and you haven't been back there since. I know you don't want to see Aria again, but...I just wanted to make sure you weren't bottling it up."

"That's sweet. But I'm fine. Haru has been keeping me company."

"Yeah. I can see that. Actually, I would really like it if you felt comfortable talking with me, too. I might not be 'Hashi, but - "

"No one can be him. He's one-of-a-kind...So are you."

"Ah. W-Well, actually, I was wondering if you were still going to the party tomorrow. With everything going on, I understand if - "

"I will. I shouldn't have to hide myself anymore just because Aria stabbed me in the back."

"Then! Would you like to go with me? I know you were probably going to go with 'Hashi, but you always go everywhere with him and since you two aren't a thing, I...I'd like a chance. If that's okay?"

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