Chapter 23: Barefoot

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When the (h/c) haired girl came back to school a week later, she expected all the weird looks. People murmured about her, placing her as the subject of gossip yet again. This time, it was about the serial killer - "The Vampire of Keisetsu". They said she was the target; that she had pissed someone off enough to make them want to kill anyone that reminded her of them. And, that might have been the truth. She had no idea who it could have been or who could have possibly been inspired enough to take up those vicious acts.

Of course, the others were there to make her feel more comfortable. Yamato, in particular, had started waking up early - something he dreaded - just to arrive at school early. He wanted to protect her, even offering to drive her to school. Still, she refused. She didn't want him anywhere near her house. And though he wasn't at all satisfied with that, he decided to wait for her instead, leaning against the school's front gate before he saw her.

"You should have taken the day off," the brunette mumbled, studying her for any new wounds, "You were in the hospital, for crying out loud. Your grades won't slip or anything."

"I'll be fine."

"You always say that. Did you eat today?"

The younger girl glanced away in shame, making him grit his teeth. She made him so angry for reasons he could not comprehend. It shouldn't have been that hard to take care of someone, yet, there she was, resisting him at every turn. That being said, he'd thought that would be the case, so he had his kitchen make some pastries for her. He figured she'd prefer something sweet instead of savory. Offering them to her, he watched her ears turn red. He couldn't help but light up, too.

"I-I didn't have a choice, okay?'s not a favor."

"Right," she smiled, accepting the treats, "You just happened to have leftovers. Thank you."

Yamato felt something strange in his chest. He had been feeling that a lot recently, especially whenever she trusted him enough to lean on him. It was kind of a pleasant emotion though there were some little hiccups of discontent there, too. He wasn't sure why since he was only doing his job protecting a girl who couldn't care for herself. Still, he didn't really want the feeling to go away. The pride felt nice.

They barely got through the gates of the school before the (h/c) haired girl felt someone grab onto her arm. The brunette was quick to intervene, shoving the individual away and getting ready to fight them but it ended up being a police officer. No, to be more specific, it was the police chief. The man apologized for being so forward, not that Yamato forgave him. He continued standing protectively in front of the younger girl, cocking a brow at the man.

"I'd like a word with Ms. Shiratori," the chief mumbled, glancing over at her, "It's important."

Yamato didn't say anything, largely because he didn't think he had a say. That being said, when he saw the younger girl's body language getting more closed off, it became more evident that she didn't want anything to do with the man. He stepped in front of her once again, weighing whether she would get mad at him for intervening or not. Nonetheless, when she glanced up at him with a somber smile, she seemed to radiate gratitude. He must have been doing something right.

"You'll have to understand it's for your own good," the chief continued, "You must know - "

"I don't know who it is, okay? Whoever this is, I don't know them - "

"'The Vampire of Keisetsu'."

"...right," A pause as she brought her arms in, "Whoever has been killing girls that look like me; I don't know them."

"I'm just asking for ten minutes to ask some questions."

"And if I had answers, I wouldn't be terrified right now!"

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