Chapter 11: Retaliation

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Just as they had agreed, the boys met up early in the morning. Haru had to be reminded what to do, but, fortunately, he had the same level of vigor he did before. The brunette stormed into the office, heading straight for the principal's office. The man's secretary perked up from his own office and ran towards the brunette, trying to calm him down. But Haru was only more agitated, quick to slam the door open, met with the confused and then terrified eyes of the principal.

"Young master!" he exclaimed, shuffling papers together on his desk neatly before standing up to greet the boy, "And your friends, too, no less. I hope you're enjoying your time here at Keisetsu. Uh, if I may ask, what brings all of you here so early?"

"(Y/n) Shiratori," Haru grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout.

"Our student council's vice president?" The man paused, his eyes darting over to Rei and Yamato before he sucked in a short breath and nervously sputtered out, "If this is about the courtyard incident, I assure you she was properly disciplined."

"You punished her?!" Yamato snapped, slamming his hands on the man's desk, "For stopping the stupid fight between me and that dipshit?!"

"She laid her hands on another student, and, of all people, it was you, Mr. Hisaki."

"I didn't ask for her to be punished! What did you even do to her?!"

"Did you...touch her?" Takuya asked darkly, glaring at the man sinisterly.

In truth, the punishment given to the younger girl was not one that matched her offense. Rather, since she did get combative with a higher status student, more decisive punishment was made. She was put on probation for her scholarship. If she had offended another student, she would have to pay the exorbitant tuition like everyone else. Still, everyone knew, if another student had done the same thing, there wouldn't have been such heavy consequences, especially when a teacher had told her to interject a fight.

"Take her off of probation," Haru demanded.

"I would love to, young master, but it's not that simple."

"It should be. I'm telling you to take her off probation. My word is all you need in order to do something. It's my school."

"I'm sure you won't make some excuse about needing a guardian," Shota scoffed, darting his eyes to the side, "Because that will just bring your patriarch here himself. I'm sure Kazuya won't be happy to leave his wife at home alone. Nor his infant. You're an Akahito, too, aren't you?"

"Just a minor branch," the man trembled, the mere sound of the patriarch's name prompting him to shiver, "But he entrusted me with this position himself, so - "

"It would be in your best interest to keep Kazuya far away from this issue," Rei chuckled, "Though, personally, I wouldn't mind seeing him cut your family off. I personally know a lot of other branches that would love to take your place."

Akari remained behind everyone else, keeping silent. Even Takuya would speak up sometimes, doing whatever he could to help. But the blonde couldn't say anything. On the contrary, he watched as they backed the man into a corner. Eventually, he made a call for Narahashi to come in with the girl's file. When the bluenette entered, he didn't know what was going on, but, once the principal voided her probation, he had a very cheerful look on his face. Akari thought he looked stupid.

"This shouldn't show up on her record at all," the red-haired male mumbled, "Do you hear me? I don't want there to be any history of it. Her reputation shouldn't have to suffer because of your desire to protect the school's own reputation."

"Speaking of which," Rei hummed, dropping the story on the man's desk, "Let's talk about 'Pillow Princess'."

Takuya gave a conflicted look, rushing over to the desk and grabbing the pages away from the man. He held the papers to him close, squeezing them tightly as if he were protecting them. Though, that wasn't his intent at all. The white-haired male just felt entirely uncomfortable having another person read the filth that painted (Y/n) in such a light. He, especially, didn't want some man almost three times her age reading it.

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