Chapter 7: Targeted

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After the official school day had ended, (Y/n) wandered up to the student council room, as per usual. Narahashi came, too, followed by Shota and Takuya who were merely there to be with the younger girl. But, she insisted, if they were going to be there, they were going to work. The two boys obliged, helping with the menial work that would have otherwise occupied her the entire rest of the day.

"We're out of staples," the bluenette whistled, holding up a small and empty box, "Would my vice president help me grab some more from the office?"

The girl nodded, silently leaving the room. That left the boys alone. Takuya didn't mind all that much, fairly focused on the work he'd been delegated but Shota was displeased. He would have thought, as the president, Narahashi would have the most work. And, yet, on the contrary, he hadn't touched anything since he'd stepped in the room. The most work he did was sifting through papers meaninglessly before putting them in front of the (h/c) haired girl to do on his behalf.

"Maybe things work differently from Jindei, but," Shota paused, assessing the male once more to find a single good trait in him, "what exactly are the responsibilities of the student council president?"

"That's a good question. I don't really have to worry about it, so I kind of forgot."

"You cannot be serious."

"Is that bad?"

The shameless smile on the bluenette's face ticked Shota off. Really, he had a position that so many aspired for. The student council president of any of the Akahito private schools was considered a huge deal. Not only did it practically seal your future, especially if you were from a commoner family, but it helped make invaluable connections. Shota believed he understood the why of Narahashi running for president. He also understood how it was possible to achieve with his popularity. And though it took him longer to figure it out, he grasped why exactly he could stay in that position.

The way it worked in all of the private schools owned by the Akahito family was a bit different than other schools. Treasurers and secretaries would run separately but the president and vice president ran for the position together. It was supposed to be a test for the president of if they knew how to pick someone who supported them. For instance, if the president was lacking when it came to planning an event, if their vice president could make up for that, it showed teamwork. And since teachers and staff had a larger vote than the students, it was essential to have a good reputation.

It went without saying that one of them was using the other. He probably had no problem getting votes from the students. Shota came to the conclusion that he must have chosen (Y/n) as his vice president solely because she had the ability. Teachers likely voted for them because of her, and he kept the position since she did all the work without complaint. Was he really using his position as her childhood friend to trap her into work like that?

"I thought you were ranked first in the school," the redhead scoffed, feeling a great hatred for the male.

"Me? Yeah, I'd like to think I'm a good student."

"If it's like that, and you're really the smartest one here, why is (Y/n) doing all your work?"

"I never said I was the smartest. And the rankings only consider GPA. She's doing a much harder workload than me. According to school rules, I can get up to a 5.0 even if I only take one college level course and all honors classes. She's taking all college level courses. Except health, anyway."

"You read through the school bylaws to do less work? And you didn't think to clue your 'best friend' into that?"

"There was no need. She knew before I did. Don't worry about her. Trust me, she's happy right where she is."

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