Chapter 72: With A Stalker's Help, Leaving

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It was the middle of the night; pitch black and so quiet that even mice couldn't have been heard. That was probably why it was so easy to trail after the girl who was panting in fear and terror. She stumbled her way through the streets, trying to get anybody to notice her. Police had been monitoring the area well, so she thought she would have been safe. But, of course, when up against a professional serial killer, there was no such thing as "safe". He had been hunting her down from the moment he saw her.

He was calm. He was very calm. He was too calm. No matter how far the girl ran or how much she tried to call for help, no one was there. He didn't need to be concerned that she would slip away. The male just hummed a little folk song to himself, forcing her in the area he wanted her to go. Of course, she didn't know she was being herded. That was what made it a bit too easy.

"Oh my gosh," the nearly (h/c) haired girl laughed in relief, seeing one of the residents of the neighborhood just a few feet away, "Hey! Hey, you have to help me! The Vampire! The Vampire is after me! Please! Just - "

The girl paused in place as the man she saw paused. He looked her up and down curiously before glancing right behind her at the trailing serial killer. Then he scoffed and walked away like he hadn't seen anything at all. She tried pleading with the man, swearing that he had to help her; that she was going to die if he didn't. Well, that neighborhood was known for neighbors like that. They only watched as horrible thing after horrible thing happened, uncaring of any poor soul's torment and, actually, rather amused by it. But, oddly enough, this time, the man did not stick around to watch.

The girl tried running, tried hiding, and she even tried climbing, but, no matter what she did, the killer was still chasing after her. She sprinted to the police station, hoping that they would help her there, but she never did make it there, the killer finally making a rush forward to push her into an alley. It was then that he took the time to actually observe her in more detail. Before, it was just her almost (h/c) hair that he took an interest in, but, regrettably, or, perhaps not, her eyes were a light grey color. He sighed before putting on a big smile.

"Hey, look at this."

Proudly, the male held up a strange puncture tool, taking great joy in showing it off like a child at show and tell. She knew what it was. It was the weapon of choice for the "Vampire of Keisetsu". Police said the weapon was made up of melted construction scraps, so its shape was imperfect. All the same, she knew it would get the job done. As he held it up, she flinched, holding her arms above her like it would protect her or something.

"Isn't it incredible?" he beamed from ear to ear, "It is, isn't it? Ha, so smart to use this as a weapon instead of some knife. 'Course it just hurts more. Hurts a lot more. Trust me. C'mon, praise it. Hm? Praise me for making it."

"What? It...I-I don't know, it looks great?"


A look of pure joy made its way onto the male's face, almost allowing his victim to mistake him for a pure child. But he was not a pure child anymore. As he forced her to continue spilling praises, his smile gradually fell. A look of disappointment flashed over his eyes. It wasn't the same. She might have looked like the person he wanted to hear praise him but she wasn't her. The male glanced to the side, his arm falling limp at his side with a still tight grip on the weapon.

"I do all this," he paused, biting down on his lip, "and I'm still invisible."

A moment of silence washed over them. The girl didn't move, shaking in terror, but he didn't move either. In fact, he looked like he would have rather been somewhere else, grabbing at his arm with a frown. Maybe he was considering whether or not to kill her. Hoping that was the case, the girl tried to put together what to say, about to blurt out the first thing that came to her mind, only for him to suddenly smile again and cut her off.

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