Chapter 38: Motherly

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(Y/n)'s bath was delightful. Really, it was. She'd had baths before - mainly whenever she went over to Narahashi's house. He had his own bath, so it was nice and fancy. At least, that was how she thought of it, but she no longer thought that. Haru's bath was so much nicer, it put everything else to shame. The jets made her relax and sink her head into the little pillow and the shape of the tub let her put her feet up to rest. Really, despite the momentary terror of the bath bombs, she loved it. In fact, she didn't want to leave. Still, when she was beginning to get pruny, there was no choice in the matter.

As she came out, she dried herself off as best as she could, throwing on a nice robe to keep her warm. It was so fluffy, too, making her hug it to her chest. Money was really the best. Relieved, she unplugged the bath and stretched her arm over her head on her way to the wardrobe. That was when she heard the sound of knocking at the door, the younger girl moving to answer it. Yamato stood there for about a split-second before he took one look at her and slammed the door in her face.

"You knocked!" she reminded him, receiving a small and stuttering reply.

"Just...You can't - Put on some clothes."

"I am wearing something. This is pretty much a dress."

The brunette didn't reply, but, when she tried to open the door again out of spite, she found it wasn't budging. Terrified, she banged on it, telling him he better not have locked it. Once again, he replied in a shy voice, assuring her that was not the case and he was merely holding it close; that he would release the handle once she was more "decent". With no choice, she complied, coming back and kicking the door when she put some pajamas on.

He did open the door but he had his hand over his eyes, and, even then, he was looking away from her. It kind of amused her that he was so affected by a bit of skin. From appearances alone, he looked like the type to have had a lot of experience with the ladies. Though, she did know he was quite a bit gentler with girls from personal experience. Maybe that was why he insisted on protecting her. Or maybe he really was just fixated on the fact that she asked for his help. She didn't know, but, all the same, she snickered.

"Yeah, yeah," he muttered, the tips of his ears turning red now, too, "Laugh it up."

Once she assured him that she was perfectly dressed and all, he let one finger slip. It was like he didn't trust her. Though, when he could see she was covered up, he let his hand drop and cleared his throat, moving to sit on the bed. He motioned for her to follow, too, patting the spot next to him. She just stood there in front of him, giving a skeptical look to the spot. That was why he ended up pulling her down, confusing her before she felt a brush.

The male started running it through her hair gently and cautiously. To his credit, it was kind of reassuring and calming, the girl's eyes threatening to close despite it being nice and bright outside (not that she could tell, of course - her window was boarded up). Still, he was attentive. If he ever neared a knot, he grabbed the hair in such a way that, when he brushed through it, she couldn't even feel it. She let out a long, curious hum.

"Do you do this often? Just randomly do a girl's hair, I mean."

"I'm only doing it because it bothers me. I prefer everything to be neat and orderly. And, it's not just your hair. I brush Haru's hair, too. He sleeps with his head under the pillow, and, when he wakes up, he gets all grumpy about brushing it himself, so I do it. You have to distract him with snacks."

"You're like his mom," the girl snickered, feeling him flinch a bit, "You're like everyone's mom, actually. I always thought that was kind of weird, honestly."

"Well, I'm going to lead a nationwide yakuza group in the future. I have to learn how to keep my guys in line. 'Course, with my actual guys, you gotta beat it out of them. Obviously, I can't do that with these idiots. But I guess that's also a part of it. You can't scare everyone into being good."

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