Chapter 43: Make Good

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There wasn't much that (Y/n) ended up telling Narahashi. He probably understood the gist of it. Though, considering his reaction, he wasn't very happy about the lack of details. In fact, with a dramatic sigh, he flopped on the bed, moving his head to get a glimpse of her. The bluenette looked like he had a lot to say, but, as always, he was keeping it to himself. He knew better than to push her into telling him everything. Sating his own curiosity didn't mean much when she was suffering for it.

"So, what?" he asked gently, taking in a deep breath, "Are you going to stay here? Or maybe go back to your house? What's the plan? And, more importantly, how can I help?"

"I don't know."

"That's...a first."

"Yeah," she paused, biting down on her lip, "It doesn't really matter where I go. They know I'll be in one of three places. I really shouldn't have pissed Motoko off. That was...stupid."

(Y/n) thought it wouldn't have mattered if her relationship with Motoko crumbled. After all, the ravenette was usually a forgiving person. In normal situations, she might have been mad at her for her stunt at the party, but, because Aria happened to die, there was no salvaging that. She wouldn't house her, wouldn't shelter her, and definitely wouldn't have offered help. Even Haru could've figured out she would be at her house, Narahashi's house, or the school. There wasn't any hiding. Her time was running out.

"I can call in a favor from her," the male offered, "I'm sure - "

"You tell her my name and she'll refuse. Even if it's from you. No, I...I can't stay here."


"They...don't like you. Pretty sure it's more than that, but, if you give them an excuse, they'll take it out on you. I can't drag you into this."

"I'm already in this, (Y/n). And I told you I want to help. You know I can hold my own. If I can't fight my way out, you know I can run. Can't we...just run together?"

"No. These guys can find out. I'm sure they can. Shota and Takuya know just about anything that happens in Athain and, even if we went somewhere outside the country, the rest of the globe is monitored by Haru and Rei. And Akari...Well, you know how good is at tracking me."

"Then go to the police. They've already been freaking out about you disappearing from school. If you just - "

"Yamato. They're under his thumb. There's no hiding. Not with them. I thought I could handle it. I...I always handle it, but this time, they're too strong. Stronger than me. A-And here's the thing: should I even run?"


"I put all my eggs in one basket! I thought two weeks was enough time! I thought I could figure it all out and leave this city without them knowing!"


"Now it's a week to go and I don't have a plan. I don't have protection. I don't even have any confidence! Do you know how hard it was just to slip out of there?! If I go back, it'll just be ten times harder! But...would I be safe?!"

"(Y/n), listen to - "

"And this serial killer...They're after me? Why? How? Who is it?! How do I escape?! How do I - "

With one last powerful shout of her name, Narahashi sat himself up, placing his hands squarely on her shoulders. It was the only way he was going to get her attention. She would just continue to rile herself up and fall apart under all the stress, so he had to interject. Even though doing so made her burst into tears, he could only pull her in for a secure hug. That was, regrettably, just about all he was good for at the moment.

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