Chapter 9: Date

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The next day at school, (Y/n) was stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of a stewing blonde. She knew he would be mad. What she did not know is that he would make a face that explicitly layed out his desire to kill her. Awkwardly, she stood there, gawking up at him. Doing so made him even more pissed off. Really, it was a miracle he didn't grab her by the hair and drag her to her final resting place.

"In my defense," she started meekly, watching his eyes narrow even more, "it was your friend that kidnapped me."

Rei had no counter-argument. He already saw the messages from the brunette, meaning he was well-aware she likely had no choice. Still, he didn't like being blown off. Very few people had ever gotten away with doing it. Worse, still, he had been made to wait for an inconsequential little girl who thought she could do whatever she wanted. Well, he would have to teach her differently.

"I'd be happy - Well, I'd be willing to fulfill our promise today instead."

"You don't get to decide that," A pause. "But, I suppose it's only right. Let's have some fun together."

"Yeah? I don't know what you'd classify as fun though."

"Well, a date, obviously."

The male giggled, quick to grab her hands and interlock his fingers with hers. He was playful, too, squeezing her hands in fascination. Rei thought her hands would be much rougher, considering the fact that she was stronger. He was pleasantly surprised when that was not the case. But it was her reaction he enjoyed the most, his smile widening just a bit.

"Is that what you were after?" she sighed, trying to tug her hands back to no avail, "I see. Then, what should we do on this 'date'?"

"Well, I don't know. I've never been in this city before. Wouldn't you know what's fun around here? Something for couples, okay?"


"You know, (Y/n), most girls would be delighted over getting a date with me. I'm hurt."

"Sure you are."

"I am, you know! Last time, too! It was like you were saying 'Hashi is better than me. So mean."

The girl held her tongue. She absolutely meant that. In the first place, she knew little to nothing about who the blonde was as a person. So, obviously, he couldn't be compared to a friend of nearly a decade. He wasn't even a candidate. Though, telling him that would have only made him whine, she was betting. Then again, she hadn't known him for a decade, so she could have been completely wrong. Funny how that worked.

"Maybe we should get to know one another first!" the blonde grinned, releasing her hands to pull out his phone, "That way, you can pick something good for me. Let's start with my number, 'kay?"

"If you insist."

"Great. Then, the basics for me would be," The male paused, thinking on what to say, "I love cooking! I'm really good with lots of different cuisine but it's my favorite hobby. Then, of course, I love singing, painting, drawing, sewing, carving - really, all the arts and crafts. I don't dance though. Gross. I'm pretty much perfect at all sports, too."

"That's a lot...all at once."

"Oh, but you don't even know my favorite things. For starters, my favorite color is pink, my favorite food is anything Vethelan, my favorite singer is Ren Tatsumi, my - "

"Thank you. I think I can come up with something."

"Great, then, today, after school. Meet me out front. And don't blow me off this time. Else I'll cry, pumpkin."

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