Chapter 18: Etiquette (and a lack thereof)

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Shota didn't know which he hated worse: everyone else staring at (Y/n) like sharks or Narahashi taking up an unfair amount of her attention. It certainly was annoying to have everyone suddenly treat her like the lady she was after what they did. In fact, not a single person had a look of guilt when staring at her. Most had eyes clouded over in interest, meaning it really was just her appearance they found entrancing. They couldn't care less about anything else that made her unique. And, yet, even so, Shota's answer was Narahashi.

The more he saw him, the more he could not stand him, so there was a weird kind of satisfaction in seeing even him fail to overcome Rei. Shota was not all that thrilled that the blonde was staking a claim over the younger girl, but, at the very least, he was a better option than Narahashi. That was mainly because (Y/n) was smart enough not to fall for his tricks. Then again, she was smiling an awful lot and Rei was getting away with being touchy. Suddenly, a glass clinked from the balcony above them.

"Good evening, everyone," Motoko smiled, "As you all know, I've thrown this gettogether to celebrate our new students from Jindei. Since everyone has arrived, we'll start with dinner and move on to dancing and other entertainment later. Please, follow me this way."

The ravenette led everyone to the tables set outside under the stars. It was beautiful and clearly well thought through. Namecards were organized for everyone, too, done to make everyone comfortable with the people they sat with. As expected, the (h/c) haired girl was placed next to Narahashi. Thankfully, Shota was able to sit there, too, along with Takuya. Yamato and Haru were at a different table closeby whereas Rei decided he wanted to sit at the host's table. He tried convincing the younger girl to join him but she didn't want to sit by Aria, so he was quick to scoff and drag Akari along instead.

Soft, live music played in the background of their conversations while appetizers were brought to each table. Despite his best efforts, (Y/n) did not talk much with Shota. She primarily focused on everything Narahashi had to say. It didn't matter how ridiculous the subject was, she was fascinated with it and her pink cheeks gave away exactly what she thought of him. Even Takuya seemed bothered, not that he spoke up and said anything. He was still overwhelmed by all of the people.

Before long, the first course was served, and while many others were using refined manners, both Narahashi and (Y/n) were at a loss. Shota understood why she might not have understood what fork to use or how to properly cut her food, but he didn't get the bluenette. Considering the fact that his father was a famous politician, he should have had some level of familiarity with what to do, but he didn't. He was unrefined, and, still, he kept giggling with the younger girl, both of them whispering to one another like they were the only ones that existed.

"Didn't your father teach you ettiquette?" Shota snapped, unable to take it anymore.

"Nope," the boy responded, uncaring of the other male's insulting tone, "He only just became a 'famous' politican so I don't know much of anything. My brothers are worse though, so I think I'm fine. No one's looking at me anyway."

"That's a baseless assumption. You're in the public's eye, aren't you?"

"No, the news or whatever doesn't really care about me because I'm the youngest of four brothers. It's not a bad thing. I'd rather not have the press pushing on me about my dad, y'know? Hey, (Y/n), what's that?"

The bluenette pointed to something on the other side of the room, quickly taking the opportunity to steal a piece of her bread. He then proceeded to glance away, whistling and acting as though nothing had happened. The girl thought it was endearing and gave a little laugh, but Shota, who had been watching, felt immensely frustrated from his actions. It was more jealousy than anything else, but it was quite effective in making Narahashi an enemy in his eyes. No flaws, huh?

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