Chapter 35: Beaten

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In the morning, (Y/n) woke up relatively early, probably because of the effect school had on her. It was a habitual wake up for her, so she doubted she'd be going back to sleep. Instead, she trekked downstairs, finding Yamato sprawled out on one of the couches, no doubt to make sure he was there if she tried escaping. Considering how early it was, she wasn't expecting anyone to be awake, but Takuya and Akari were there, very much awake.

Takuya was quick to notice her presence, brightening up and hopping over to her to give her a tight hug. He blabbered about how pretty the sunrise was and asked her if she slept well, if she liked the room, if she needed anything, etc. However, she wasn't paying attention to him. Rather, she was focused on Akari, who was hyper-focused on cleaning the kitchen. It wasn't dirty or anything, mostly because Rei was very concerned with the hygiene in any kitchen he used. Still, Akari was cleaning away with a worried expression on his face.

In reality, he was doing it to try and score back some points with Rei. The older male hadn't said one word to him since their little "talk" even though he'd occasionally throw a dirty glare his way. Unable to handle that, Akari was trying everything he could to redeem himself. If that meant waking up at the crack of dawn to deep clean the kitchen and prepare all the utensils that the older male would be using, so be it. And, just to make sure, he never looked the younger girl in the eyes, knowing Rei would definitely punish him for that, too.

"Uh, (Y/n)?" Takuya called, sadly clinging onto her arm, "Are you listening?"

"What? Oh. I'm just a little tired. What were you saying?"

"Just that...I was hoping to do something fun with you. You know, to take your mind off of everything. A-And I wanted a chance to...apologize. It probably wasn't right for me to go along with it, but - "

"Akari," the younger girl mumbled, walking around the counter to see his progress, "Was there anything Rei was planning on making for breakfast?"

Akari flinched. She didn't know if it was because she said the older male's name or if she was talking to him. Either way, he was dejected, biting down on his lip and starting to scrub harder at the fancy glass stovetop-looking thing. Still, even as he was trying to avoid her, she could only stare at the bandages all over his face and arms. She wondered if it was just bruising or if he had been bleeding. Cautiously, she reached out to touch him, only for him to stumble back and tremble.

"Ah - I forgot," she mumbled, "Sorry. looks like it hurts."

"Fine. I'm fine. You don't need to pay attention to me."

"(Y/n)," Takuya interrupted, standing in between her and the blonde, "Would you rather watch a movie or - "

"But I want to talk with you, Akari," the younger girl sighed, "You can't just pretend I didn't see the books."

"I'm not!" the blonde panicked, looking nervously all around in case Rei popped up somewhere and saw them talking, "I'm atoning! I'm making up for all the horrible things I did, so there's no need for you to pay attention to me. I don't exist, okay?"

"Don't you think you, at least, owe me an explanation?"

The male paused. He didn't think about that. It wasn't something he could really refuse either. She was entitled to know why he'd been following her around for years or why he had killed one of her friends. And, yet, even when his eyes softened at the realization that she was making a reasonable demand, shivers went up his spine. Quickly, he turned to find Rei standing at the top of the stairs, just having woken up. Akari vaulted over the counter as quickly as he could before rushing over to him.

"Rei, I cleaned the kitchen for you," he sputtered out, desperately trying to get the male to look at him, "I even took out everything you'd need for breakfast. I-It's a Thursday, so you're probably in the mood for crepes, right? I even - "

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