Chapter 22: Frére

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It didn't take (Y/n) long to wake up. On the contrary, she was up in an hour, slightly out of it, but perfectly fine otherwise. The doctors Haru had been continually staring at had nervously told him she just passed out from stress. Obviously, the assembly about the serial killer had taken a toll on her. It couldn't have been easy knowing that she was the most likely target of their rampage. Still, with a bit of food and water, she was released, Haru the one to take her forward every step of the way. He panicked over every little thing.

"You should come over," he mumbled, "to my house. It's not safe where you are."

"Okay," she agreed in a daze.

"Really?! Great, we'll go now! Here."

The brunette started tugging the girl along with him. He had a big smile on his face, unable to hide it. The others glanced at one another, wondering if it really was alright to let her be with Haru alone. But they figured he was too simple-minded to make any moves on her. Of all of them, he was probably the least romantic, if only because he was selfish and cared very little about other people's needs. So, they let him have his fun, the rest of them deciding to pay Narahashi's father a visit - all except Akari who was kicked out immediately by the bluenette.

To no surprise, Haru's home could have been its own city block. The mansion was away from the rest of everything else, if only to allow for their estate to encompass a forest. The drive was lengthy but Haru confessed, on his way to school, he got to play games, so it never felt that long. He very excitedly showed her the device he had hooked up in the back of the car the moment she stepped in it, passing her a controller and playing.

The mansion was gorgeous. Not only did it have a surplus of greenery around it but its architecture was unique. Apparently, it was the norm back in his home country, as was being greeted by all the servants in the house. They all bowed to him and welcomed him in synch like he was royalty. Then again, he was an Akahito. He had enough money to buy a few small countries, if he wanted. That fact lingered over her as she entered the house where it seemed even bigger than it did when she arrived, filled opulently with beautiful furniture and paintings.

"Wow," she murmured, glancing around in awe.

"It's just a house." A pause followed that statement, followed by the brunette suddenly remembering something and panicking, "I-I forgot you live in a - "

"I really don't want to hear whatever it is that you want to say."

"But - "

"Why don't you give me a tour?"

Haru was satisfied with that, grabbing her hand and leading her around. His tour wasn't great. He just kept announcing "this is a room" whenever they went somewhere new. Moreover, for the life of him, he could not explain the art hanging up around the house or any special history. Still, he was enthusiastic about it, especially when they entered a special room. He lit up like crazy then, even letting go of her hand to rush into it.

A handful of women were sitting on the floor there, most of them wearing a simple uniform a bit like a foreign maid's. One wore something a bit more elegant and colorful. That woman was with a small baby who was attempting to stand, the tiny thing relying heavily on her support. His legs wobbled and he made a lot of resistant grunting noises before he fell back on his bottom, giving a huff. The boy then reached out, being given a stuffed frog for his hard work. The other women stood up to bow to Haru.

"Young master," the more colorful woman smiled, bowing her head, "Welcome home."

Haru ignored her, moving straight to the baby. The small thing, when he recognized the brunette, dropped the frog and immediately started bouncing in joy, giving little giggles. Especially when Haru picked him up, he beamed from ear to ear. The baby was very expressive - a bit different from Haru - and he had such a stunning smile. It really lit up the room. Everyone that saw that smile would have felt compelled to smile, too.

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