Chapter 12: Lunch

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The school, contrary to what everyone thought, did not shut down that day. Though investigations continued for everyone on school grounds and a new temporary principal was assigned, things continued relatively normally. That meant that classes went on as usual. Whenever a teacher would be interrogated, their class was relocated to a temporary physical education session.

(Y/n) didn't have to deal with that until after lunch. During the break, however, she had been dragged by Haru to their table, after which she was welcomed by everyone. At that point, the eldest of them stood up abruptly. Yamato immediately grabbed her shoulders from behind and started pushing her to the cafeteria. She might have protested. Or not. He really wasn't listening. The brunette had one goal and one goal only: to make her eat. Though he didn't know anything about her personal life, he knew she was in need of financial support. He wanted to take up the mantle.

"What do you want?" he asked gruffly, the girl almost mistaking his caring for a threat, "I don't know a whole lot about what you like to eat. Well, I know about sweets but that's not a meal."

"I can't even buy a normal - I just can't afford this fancy stuff."

"I'm paying. Buy five meals for all I care. Just pick something."

"I can't make you - "

"Don't fucking argue with me!"

Suddenly, the younger girl could not argue with him. Shyly, she held her arm, making him worry he had gone overboard. Still, when he noticed her surveying the menu, he felt warm inside. He guessed he could make a difference for her, after all. She probably just needed tough love to get her to care for herself. The brunette grinned.

"All of them look delicious," she murmured, shrugging her shoulders, "I'm not sure which one I'd like."

"Any allergies?"

"Not that I know of."

"Anything you hate?"

"I'll eat anything!"

(Y/n) said that with a strange kind of tone. She sounded desperate to the brunette, like she was begging him not to take away his offer of food. When she noticed his surprised look, she regressed again. He became flustered. It wasn't his intent to take anything away from her nor to make her scared. Really, he just wanted her to have an actual meal. Narahashi might have texted him a little in class about her preferences, but he never said she would react like that.

"I just...," he paused, biting down on his lip in frustration, "wanted you to eat something you liked. Eating's not a chore. And, if you like it, it's money well spent. So...Just think about it, okay?!"

Yamato must not have been used to dealing with girls. He'd been acting like a mother to his friends, sure, but it was different when they were guys. With her, though he knew she was strong, it always felt like she was on the verge of dying. It was like one wrong move could make her drop dead. So, even though he was trying to help, he felt like he was doing it wrong. It was only lucky for him that she realized his frustration and empathized with it.

"Then," she paused, looking in the brunette's golden eyes with shame, "If possible...I am not a huge fan of meat. It...makes me sick."

"Yeah...?" he murmured, blushing a bit at the vulnerability she chose to show him, "T-That's not a problem! The school offers a lot of stuff like that, so - "

"It's still a lot to narrow down."

"Oh, uh...I'm not the best person to help. I always eat stuff my own people make, but I-I know most of the others eat from here. And Rei - Well, Akari is a vegetarian, so - Oh, see? He just got something. We could ask him?"

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