Chapter 63: Conspiring

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(Y/n) opened her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar environment. That had been happening far too often as of late. Fortunately, since she was in a soft and luxurious bed in a well-lit room, she knew she had nothing to worry about. Lethargically, she rubbed at her eyes, flinching slightly when she noticed someone sitting on the edge of the bed. The man wore a mask that covered his entire face, putting it on display for her when he snapped his head over at the newly-awakened girl. She remained calm.

"Who are you?"

"The last person you'll ever see."

The second she heard his voice, the girl rolled her eyes and flopped back on the bed, pulling the sheets over her shoulders. A small, disappointed but embarrassed chuckle could be heard from him after that. Maybe he realized how childish he was being, trying to have fun in a situation like that. Though, it was probably for the best that she wasn't freaked out. He took off his mask and tried putting his black hair back in place. She took a peek back at him as he started speaking, noticing the entrancing smile he put on for her.

"It's nice to see you again, Ms. Shiratori. In case you don't remember me, I'm Isao - Takuya's caretaker."

"I'm aware. It's not rocket science. I'll also go ahead and assume it wasn't Takuya who put you up to this. If that's the case, you must be carrying out orders from his mother."

The ravenette stared at her curiously. He knew she was an honor student and that she had a lot of different achievements under her belt, but she was so calm she could analyze the situation that effectively? It wasn't completely unexpected that she could figure everything out before he told her, but, still, it struck him as odd. Trying to figure out how to respond to that, the male, once again, let out a nervous chuckle.

"Well done? Uh, if you would, please go ahead and get dressed. You can wear anything in the closet over there. Just make it presentable since Lady Ichika wants to talk to you."

"Lady, huh?"

Once the girl finished changing, she met the ravenette once more outside of the room, the male taking her through the house. She'd been there before but he insisted on giving her a little tour yet again, pointing out things that were of mild interest. Most of what he talked about were the traditions of the family. As he thought of it, suddenly, the male turned to bow to her, placing his hand on his heart.

"The Miyahara family is an old noble family with ties to the royal family," he took pride in telling her, "So, bowing is an important tradition in the family. You are the one to tell the servant when to stop bowing. And, if they annoy you, just wave your hand and they'll leave the room bowing."

"That is the most egotistical thing I've ever heard."

Isao chuckled but he didn't disagree, continuing to hold his bow. It took her all of two seconds to figure out why he kept doing that. Clearly, Ichika wanted to continue their prior talk about Takuya's future. The (h/c) haired girl waited and waited, wanting to see just how long Isao would hold his bow. Every now and then, he would peek up at her to see if she planned on releasing him from it, but she just shrugged.

"You just tell me when to stop."

"I heard you," A pause. "Whatever. This is wasting time. Just get up."

Isao gratefully rose, almost hurting his back in his haste to stand back up. He put on his nice smile again and continued escorting her through the house. Ultimately, they ended up at the same place she had been last time, stepping out onto the balcony. The ravenette bowed to the white-haired woman, being told almost immediately to get up and seat (Y/n) down. Obediently, he pulled out a chair for her before he focused on preparing the tea, pouring both his mistress and her a cup.

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