Chapter 24: Group Project

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It didn't really matter how much time passed. The school still had its eyes on the (h/c) haired girl, fixated on her every move. Officers still swarmed the school and, mainly for Haru and Rei's protection, more security was constantly lingering around. Still, classes continued. (Y/n) sat in health one day, feeling, above all else, exhausted. She was so tired worrying for her own life, and, worse, now they were learning about other lives - children, to be specific.

Most people in the class were being relatively mature about it. Shota, for instance, was unbothered by the subject material, treating it as a scientific thing. She and Takuya, on the other hand, were trying to actively avoid hearing about it. The white-haired male had retreated into his hoodie, refusing to even look at the screen. In fact, whenever Mr. Saito said anything related to intercouse, he froze up and shivered. (Y/n) looked at Shota for an explanation but he only shook his head. He must not have known.

"Alright, listen up, kiddos," Mr. Saito groaned, taking out a folder of worksheets, "The school wants you all to participate in a group project."

Everyone gave exasperated huffs, met with their teacher's annoyance. It wasn't like he wanted to grade their stupid little projects either, but it was on the curriculum, so he had no choice. In fact, he decided to take it out on one of the other student's heads, bringing down a book on it. It was Shun. It was always Shun. The man then held the book up on his shoulder, looking down at the rest of the class with a sarcastic smile.

"It's your own damn faults," he giggled coyly with a cheery tone, "They think you're not paying attention. And why do they think that? It's because you damn rich kids aren't taking this seriously! I don't want to hear your excuses. Pay attention, huh?"

"But Mr. Saito!" one of the girls whined.

"Mr. Saito!" he said, mocking her, "Nu-uh. Not today, Yoshie. So, the project. Uh, we used to give out kids real babies to see if they would survive or not and judge you based on that. But, uh, you know, we had a lot of kids go to jail because of that so we're not allowed to do that anymore."

"Really?" a boy asked.

"No, Shun. That was sarcasm. Boy, you really need a tutor or something...perhaps another half of a brain would be nice. Anyway, the project will be conducted in pairs of two. One girl and one boy in each pair. I don't care who you choose. All you need to know is that you will be researching and creating a poster about reproductive systems."

"Do we have to?" one girl mumbled, "It's such a weird subject..."

"So entitled. C'mon, you have to do something. If you want, you could also use your partners to determine the characteristics of your child. Shun, pass out the lab papers, please. I don't care which one you choose, all you need to do is do one of the two activities and you'll get an easy A. So, partner up or something."

As the worksheets got passed around, (Y/n) stared at it, glancing up around the room. Narahashi hadn't been coming to school as of late. He was far too busy trying to take care of his father who was in the hospital. In other words, she didn't have a partner. Of course, she didn't know why she worried about that when Takuya and Shota were there. They couldn't have teamed up together, after all. To her surprise, it was the former that asked first, shy but insistent.

"We should be partners, (Y/n)!"

"Oh, but I could get this project done faster," Shota pitched, giving a concerned smile as he tried to pitch himself to the younger girl, "Really, I think with you and I..."

The red-haired male was forced to trail off as Takuya gave him the most disheartening look. He was guilting him. It was a tactic that he had never used, especially not against Shota, which only made it all the more effective. The older of the two tried avoiding the pleading look, but there was no getting away from it. He had meant to just remain quiet in hopes that the (h/c) haired girl would ask him to be her partner. But, obviously she didn't.

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