Chapter 21: Assembly

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(Y/n) came to school a bit earlier than she had expected. Of course, she was still late but not as late as she would have been if Takuya had stayed with her. She huffed at the thought of the outcome. It would have been better for him to stay with her than to go off with his abusers, but who was she to say anything? She knew nothing about Takuya's home life nor what he experienced on a daily basis.

Either way, she sat through class as usual until the big assembly was called. Everyone poured in the giant multipurpose room, all sitting around and waiting for the information on the serial killer. Whatever had happened to (Y/n) paled in comparison to them, apparently. So, everyone murmured and tried sharing what little information they knew. Aria's name bounced around the room continually.

"I guess this is starting to become a big deal," Narahashi sighed, nervously tapping his thigh, "But he's been around for years, so why would - "

"Because someone important died. Aria came from a pretty well-known family, so, of course, they'll start taking things more seriously."

"Please," Shota scoffed, sitting on the other side of the younger girl, "If the killer was so good at what he did and was smart enough to navigate around so the police never took him seriously, why would he have killed someone important now?"

It was a fair point. As the assembly started, they started showing the patterns of the killer. The victims usually differed on a few points. They were typically around their age and female but most other factors didn't match, just a word in blood scribbled by the victim, usually pointing out their motive for killing them. In other words, the killings weren't typically random. They were planned and thought out. (Y/n) stared in horror at each and every one of the killings done by "The Vampire of Keisetsu".

"I'm sure most of you are scared," the police chief sighed, "We are doing our best to make sure we can prevent these killings, but we need your help, too. If you are in at least one of the following categories I'm about to show, you may be at risk. If you are in more than five, please come speak to us after the assembly."

As the man clicked the screen on the next slide, everyone spent a bit trying to figure out if they were at risk. There were a lot of descriptors, too. Most of the boys around her let out sighs of relief. Shota was the first one to see the connection, his head snapping over to (Y/n) with terrified eyes. Narahashi, too, glanced at her, waiting for a reaction. The others followed a bit after, except for Haru, who did not get what everyone else did. Reading the characteristics made it obvious. The slide had written on it (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, female, martial arts, high G.P.A, lower class, etc. Every single thing described her.

"This can't be a coincidence," Yamato hurriedly blurted out to her, "They have to be targeting you specifically!"

"Is someone going to hurt (Y/n)?" Haru questioned, lost in the conversation.

"You can't stay at your house!" Shota jumped in, "I would be more than happy to shelter you, so - "

"With what?" Rei scoffed, "Just because you have a nice mansion doesn't mean you have the guards to keep her safe. I, on the other hand, have specially trained guards. They'd make short work of some serial killer."

While they argued about who the younger girl should stay with, Narahashi observed (Y/n) closely. Her eyes were dazed but filled with confusion and fear all the same. Something was wrong. He knew that. The male reached out to touch her, perhaps shock her back into acting normally, but she didn't react. His eyes went wide as he felt her heart race. He gripped at his own heart before panicking. She was about to pass out. Quickly, he reached out to grab her just a second before she fell, the others silencing themselves.

"D-Doctor!" Haru shouted, "Someone get a doctor! Right now!"

Shota stared in shock at the bluenette, envy creeping over him. He was sitting beside her, too, but Narahashi knew when she was going to collapse?! It was an unfair advantage the male had. He knew her secrets, her fears, her address, her past, and even her medical condition, too? There was no way to compete against something like that. The redhead couldn't move as a commotion started occurring, everyone turning to look at (Y/n). Then, it clicked for them, too.

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