Chapter 27: Dress-Up

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(Y/n) was pleasantly surprised by the size of Rei's house. She knew it was only a vacation home of sorts, so it wasn't nearly what the size of the castle he'd grown up in. Still, it seemed almost humble for someone like him - just two stories. Of course, it went without saying that everything was pristine. Even outside, the hedges were trimmed near perfectly and there was no sign of dirt anywhere on the architecture. It must have been cleaned on a daily basis, if not twice.

"Welcome," Rei simpered, ushering the younger girl out of the car to take a look at everything, "Feel free to treat this place as your own home. I've already had a room set up for you. It's right next to mine. Should I take you on a little tour?"

"Oh. Sure?"

"Great. This house is actually my father's childhood home. We just spruced it up a bit but it's very charming, isn't it?" the male hummed, motioning to a man who was bowing respectfully to him, "Anyway, this is the steward here. He looks after the property and is in charge of the rest of the regular staff. I'd tell you to ask him for anything you need, but when you have me, what's the point? So, you can just ignore him."

Rei went on to show her around, mainly talking about his father. He must have had a great respect for him or, at the very least, great memories in the house as a kid. The blonde also talked about his eldest brother, even showing her a portrait of him hanging up in the halls. There were other portraits and photographs, too, most of which had his family in it. He might have talked a lot about his father and his eldest brother but he also had another brother. The male didn't bring up his mother much, and, judging from the looks on her face in any of the photographs, she could probably guess why.

The others would be joining them a bit later, so, for the time being, Rei did his best to entertain her. After the tour, he showed her the room she would be staying in. It was very beautiful, probably a bit too beautiful for her to mess up by staying there. Still, she was grateful, setting down her bag while Rei showed her how to work the television and which way in the bath and shower was hot. Essentials were already stored there.

Rei was more interested in showing her his room though, opening the door to a massive area. Not only was it a bedroom but it was also a living room and a kitchen in one big space. No doubt he had a full sized bathroom in there somewhere, too, and, likely, a closet of some sort. It pretty much took up the entire left side of the second floor. Her room faced his, located on the right side of the house with Akari's room. Suffice to say, Rei had the master bedroom.

"My father renovated everything for me as a birthday present. Isn't it great?"

"Actually, yeah. It's pretty impressive."

"Of course, it is. The best money can buy. While you're here, you might as well have some fun dressing up, right? Here."

The blonde was quick to usher her over to the walk-in closet. Everything was put exactly in its place, but, oddly enough, he had a little section of feminine clothing, too. He brushed it off as being things left over from other girls but, as she picked up a maid uniform, looking at it curiously, it still seemed odd. Still, it was his business, so she put it back, letting Rei sift through things until he found something he thought suited her. His tastes were expensive, so she ended up with a one-of-a-kind evening dress, coming out of the closet for him to see.

"It's a bit too small, huh?" he murmured, giving a smile nonetheless, "I like it. The color really suits you. While we're at it, you might as well try on some jewelry, right? I'm sure I have some around here somewhere."

Rei, regrettably, couldn't find anything in his room, continuing his search outside of it. That left the (h/c) haired girl in the room, staring awkwardly at herself in the mirror. She didn't really know if the dress did suit her. It was a bit too mature for her tastes - like something a woman would wear to a charity party. Though, she could admire the beauty of the dress on its own, marveling at the stitching. She'd never been able to get anywhere close to good at embroidery.

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