Chapter 20: Special Lessons

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(Y/n) had fallen asleep, but, in the middle of the night, she heard a hectic knocking coming from the front door, followed by the aggressive barking of Kiana. The younger girl looked around from side to side, looking for any trace of Narahashi, but he was gone. He probably returned back home before his curfew, so she was alone. Terrified, she moved to hide, knowing it was better to remain unseen than to try and fight, but then she heard their voice. A small beg could be heard from the front door, the younger girl creeping towards it before recognizing it as Takuya.

She opened the door cautiously, only to find the male collapsed on her doorstep, breathing heavily. The boy was in a bad state, too, bleeding all over his back. Quickly, she pulled him inside, taking care to lock the door securely once more, lest she have any more visitors. From the looks of him, the white-haired boy had just recently been hurt, but, since the wounds were already trying to patch themselves back up, it must have been a few hours. Kiana tried pawing at him to wake up.

Narahashi had come by to stock her first aid kit not too long ago, so, luckily for Takuya, there were plenty of supplies. The girl picked him up and gently cleaned the wounds, hearing him moan and wince at the pain. She wrapped everything carefully in bandages, too, setting him down on the coach with a blanket. It was a thin one, but it was better than nothing. Occasionally, she heard him sob, but, apart from that, he remained passed out the entire night.

"Takuya," she called in the morning, gently tapping at the male's head, "Takuya. Wake up, sleepy head."

Slowly, the white-haired male opened his eyes, quick to recognize the pain that began surging back at him. He arched his back, too, trying to get rid of it, but it followed him, making him cry out in pain. Takuya started to remember what had happened the previous night, his eyes watering up. It dawned on him then that (Y/n) must have patched him up again. Still, he would have been grateful even if she'd only taken him in. She always seemed to be there when he needed it. Some part of that was comforting despite the situation.

"I...don't have any food right now," the girl paused, flushing red, "I-I didn't know I'd have guests, but...there should probably be some hot chocolate powder around here somewhere. It'll have to be water I mix it with though."

"I-I'd be happy with anything. Or nothing! Just...thank you."

(Y/n) nodded and moved to scour the house for the desired drink, only to find the packets tucked safely away under her pillow. Narahashi must have left them there for her to find. She didn't remember hiding any there. It would have been a bad place to hide them; easily found. Still, she was happy to see them, setting off to heat up some water and offer the male the drink. She made one for herself, too, staring at it like it was some rare treasure.

"So, do you want to tell me what happened?"

"...not really, no."

"Alright. That's fine by me. If you don't have to tell, that means I don't either."

Takuya gave a conflicted look, gripping at his hot chocolate. She was smiling, so she was genuinely reassured by that, he felt like he had to open up. Otherwise it would be like giving her a reason to leave him in the dark. As long as he told her, wouldn't that mean she would open up to him in the future, too? His lip quivered. He'd never liked a girl so much before. No, he'd never liked any girl before. So, he had to do whatever he could to keep seeing her.

"I got hurt," he admitted, looking away because of the shame.

"Yes, I can see that. You scared me to death when you came here pounding on the door in the middle of the night. Kiana, too. Was there a reason you came to me?"

The white-haired male frowned. No, he supposed it probably wasn't the best decision to go to her house when he knew she didn't feel comfortable with others inside it. But, at the same time, it wasn't like he could have gone to Shota. If he did, then the redhead would know, and if he knew...the cycle would just start all over again. Takuya thought, since the (h/c) haired girl was so good at keeping secrets, she might just help him with no questions asked. He stayed quiet.

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